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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

“Ubiquitous assailant: The dangerous unasked questions surrounding pornography” – Deseret News


Check out this informative new article about pornography harms, as well as the other articles in this excellent series! :-)

[Deseret News] – [EXCERPT] – Formerly a back-alley, mafia-funded industry, pornography has exploded into a socially ubiquitous form of entertainment, evidenced by the throngs that roam the convention halls, snapping photos of their friends embracing porn stars to share via Instagram and Facebook.

Though Las Vegas is, by its own definition, a moral outlier, a growing number of experts are concerned with the way the entire country has accepted, and even embraced, pornography’s cultural infiltration.

“The real issue is not whether (porn) has become worse,” says Michael Kimmel, a sociologist at Stony Brook University in New York who studies gender, sexuality and masculinity. “The thing that’s most important is that it’s far more pervasive with far less apology.”

An estimated 40 million Americans visit a porn site at least once a month, and 25 percent of all search engine requests in the U.S. are for porn. The heaviest use is among young men: in a 2009 survey of 30,000 college students, more than 10 percent said they viewed pornography online from five to 20 hours a week, and 62 percent said they watched Internet pornography at least once a week. Another study by researchers at Brigham Young University in 2007 found that 21 percent of all college students said they watch porn “every day or almost every day.”

Yet despite how “popular” pornography becomes, it cannot remain unexamined, say media scholars and medical professionals, who warn that failing to address the growing tangle of concerns — specifically the way pornography changes the brain — will come with dire consequences. Most children will have seen porn by the time they’re 11, if not younger, and 79 percent of that exposure will happen in the home — often through innocently misspelled words, pop-up windows or misleading websites, according to the report, “Online Victimization of Youth: Five Years Later,” as published by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Researchers have also found a correlation between early pornography use and early sexual behavior as well as links between the type of pornography consumed and the increased sexual aggression of the viewers. There’s also evidence pornography is damaging relationships: At a meeting in 2003 of the American Academy of Matrimonial lawyers, two-thirds of the attorneys present said that compulsive Internet use played a significant role in divorces that year, and that in 56 percent of those cases one partner had an obsessive interest in online pornography.

“This is a public health crisis — the fact that porn is now the major form of sex education in the western world,” says Gail Dines, a professor of sociology and women’s studies at Wheelock College in Boston, and author of “Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality.” “The fashion industry shapes the way we dress, the food industry shapes the way we eat, how would it be possible that the sex industry is the only industry that didn’t shape human behavior? How it shapes it is complicated … but you cannot walk away from those images unchanged. That’s not how we operate.”

READ THE REST OF THIS STORY AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share to spread the word and support the cause. Thanks! :-) )



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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Sunday, July 28, 2013

YAY TEAM! We just made it to 2,000 supporters at our Facebook Page! :-)


Many thanks to each and every person who supports the cause at Facebook or elsewhere! :-) We REALLY appreciate your support in our efforts to prevent and combat the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking, and sexual slavery! :-)

For those of you who haven’t yet liked our Facebook Page, please feel free to join us and our 2,000 great supporters already there! Thanks! :-)

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Best wishes to all anti-porn and good people everywhere who are working to make the world a better and safer place for everyone! :-)

With much gratitude,

The Team at :-)


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Friday, July 26, 2013

Feed The Right Wolf – Helping people get free from pornography addiction! And supporting PARTNERS of addicts too!


Do you know someone who needs help with porn addiction? Refer them to Feed The Right Wolf! They also provide support for SPOUSES and PARTNERS of porn addicts and sex addicts. Coach Craig, his wife Michelle, and the rest of the team there are super nice and helpful, so please check them out if you need help, and let others know about them too in case they need help. Thanks! :-)

It’s great to get free from porn! :-)

P.S. Please don’t forget to LIKE their Facebook Page and SUBSCRIBE at YouTube to support the cause and show support to our anti-porn friends and allies who are fighting the harms of pornography in the form of pornography addiction and sex addiction. Thanks! :-)


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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Thursday, July 25, 2013

There are no ‘happy hookers’: In US sex trafficking is complex, brainwashes victims


READ this powerful and very moving article about how pimps manipulate and abuse their victims, which is explained by an ex-pimp!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please remember that pornography fuels prostitution and sex trafficking, so it you’re against those horrific abuses, you need to also be anti-porn! Also remember, the idea of “happy hookers” is a HUGE MYTH!


“You’re being manipulated from the beginning,” says Douglas. “The pimps know exactly what they’re doing. It’s part of the psychological and emotional manipulation. Right when you start feeling like you need to get out of the life and go, they do something that keeps you hooked in.”

Aside from the promise of affection, coercion tactics including sleep and food deprivation, forced drug use, and physical and mental abuse. Through various means, traffickers “brainwash” their victims.

When explaining why someone might defend or refuse to leave their pimp, Douglas says the closest phenomenon she can compare such a mental state to is the diagnosis of Stockholm Syndrome. This is a psychological condition likened to post traumatic stress disorder in which victims come to identify with their captors and abusers.

“I’ve always related the experience to that of [kidnapping victim] Elizabeth Smart,” Douglas says. Smart was abducted by a couple as a young girl, but remained with them for years, despite enduring abuse, even though she likely had opportunities to escape.

“I try to make them understand through her story. She was kidnapped, raped, ['married'] by her captor, and basically created a family with him. She was free to move about and was not looking for help. The help found her. I think she had Stockholm Syndrome and I think that’s what happened in this New York trial,” she said of the more recent case.

Douglas, who will be featured in Tricked, a feature length documentary about sex trafficking set to be released this fall, has survived the psychological abuse of her ordeal. Yet, women who are not able to break free of the mental bondage of sex trafficking might not fare as well without the support of more supportive laws.

READ THE REST OF THIS EXCELLENT STORY ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share to spread the word and support the cause. Thanks! :-) )


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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Monday, July 22, 2013

GREAT NEWS!! No more rape pornography allowed in the UK, and automatic Internet filters to be installed by default! :-)


Also other anti-porn measures to be enacted as well! Check out the highlights and details below, and please LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE to help spread this AMAZING news! Thanks! :-)

Note: Now we really hope that all other countries in the world will follow this powerful example of doing the right thing on behalf of women, children, and all of society! :-)


Automatic web filters for new customers, and opt in for existing accounts by 2014.

Filters fitted to all new mobile phones.

Ban on adult content for public wi-fi.

New offence of possession of porn simulating rape.

New powers for watchdogs to access heavily encrypted sites.


[Daily Mail] – Pornography depicting rape will be outlawed as part of a government crackdown on web filth.

David Cameron today unveiled a raft of reforms to shield children from ‘poisonous’ websites that are ‘corroding childhood’.

In a victory for the Daily Mail, the Prime Minister announced every householder connected to the internet will have their access to online porn blocked unless they ask to receive it.

By the end of next year, all 19million UK homes currently connected to the net will be contacted by service providers and told they must say whether family-friendly filters that block all porn sites should be switched on or off.

From the end of this year, all new customers setting up a broadband account or switching provider will have the filters automatically switched on unless they opt to disable them to allow sites with ‘adult content’.

‘The Daily Mail has campaigned hard to make internet search engine filters “default on”. Today they can declare that campaign a success,’ Mr Cameron said.

‘We are taking action to help clean up the internet and protect a generation of children from often extreme online pornography.’

Other measures announced by Mr Cameron today included adult content filters on all new mobile phones, a bar on accessing adult content through public wi-fi and calling in Ofcom to regulate industry progress.

Internet giants such as Google were told they have a ‘moral duty’ to do more to stop child abuse images being accessed.

Pornography involving simulated rape will be banned both online and offline, and online videos will be subject to the same rules as those sold in sex shops.

There will be stronger powers for watchdogs to investigate the ‘hidden internet’ – heavily encrypted forums and pages that allow abusers to cover their tracks.

There has been growing alarm at evidence that a third of children have accessed online pornography by the time they reach ten.

Six in ten parents now say they are worried or very worried about their sons and daughters seeing violent and sexual material on the web.

In his landmark speech at the NSPCC, Mr Cameron said action is more urgent than ever because web access has ‘changed profoundly’ in recent years.

‘Not long ago, access to the internet was mainly restricted to the PC in the corner of the living room, with a beeping dial-up modem, downstairs in the house where parents could keep an eye on things,’ he said.

Today, there is material freely available that is a ‘direct danger to our children’.

The Prime Minister added: ‘I’m not making this speech because I want to moralise or scaremonger, but because I feel profoundly as a politician, and as a father, that the time for action has come. This is, quite simply, about how we protect our children and their innocence.’

Mr Cameron announced that in future deciding about family-friendly filters will be a required part of the set-up process for installing an internet connection.

Search engines urged to ban searches for child abuse.

Ofcom to drive move towards a family-friendly web.

BUT… no default block across the web and providers and social media not forced to bar indecent sites.

When existing web users are contacted, family-friendly filters will be pre-selected.

Only an adult will be able to change the filter settings and the account holder will receive a confirmation email. Some ISPs are offering text alerts, in case children hack into the account.

Any adult ignoring the alerts will have filters installed automatically.

‘By the end of this year, when someone sets up a new broadband account the settings to install family-friendly filters will be automatically selected. If you just click “next” or “enter”, then the filters are automatically on,’ Mr Cameron said.

‘And, in a really big step forward, all the ISPs have rewired their technology so that once your filters are installed, they will cover any device connected to your home internet account.

‘No more hassle of downloading filters for every device, just one click protection. One click to protect your whole home and keep your children safe.

‘Once those filters are installed, it should not be the case that technically literate children can just flick the filters off at the click of a mouse without anyone knowing.

‘So we have agreed with industry that those filters can only be changed by the account holder, who has to be an adult. So an adult has to be engaged in the decisions.

READ THE REST OF THIS AMAZING STORY AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share to spread the word of this great success and to support the cause. Thanks! :-) )

P.S. Special thanks to our friend and supporter, artist and author Suzzan Blac, of The Rebirth of Suzzan Blac , for the heads up on this great news. Please LIKE her Facebook Page or subscribe to her personal Facebook profile to support her helpful work to educate people about the harms of sexual abuse and exploitation. Thanks! :-)


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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Friday, July 19, 2013

Former Pornographer Dave Pounder exposes truth: male porn actors use Viagra, and porn actresses are damaged


In a new interview, former pornographer and porn actor Dave Mech (aka “Dave Pounder”) admits:

1) Male actors use Viagra

2) Women in porn are emotionally damaged.

So… 1) if porn-using guys are comparing themselves to studly “long-lasting” men they see in porn, they shouldn’t, because they are certainly not seeing a normal, healthy, drug-free sexual “performance”. And 2) we can conclude from this interview that virtually no emotionally and mentally healthy women actually enter and stay in porn, and the women that DO enter and stay in porn often LIE — to make it seem like they’re fine, healthy, never sexually or emotionally abused, and are now “empowered”, when in fact they’re not.

Sad but true! Read the details in these excerpts from the Psychology Today interview with Dave:

(Note: some people complain that we’re “biased” because we’re anti-porn, so they can’t take our information or sources seriously. Well this source — Dave — is still very pro-porn, so there goes that argument in regards to trying to discredit his testimony!)

DAVE: … And yes, I always had Viagra on hand for the extra assistance needed to perform as the scenes became more technical to shoot. Today, virtually all male performers use some form of ED [erectile dysfunction] drugs to aid in their performance.

INTERVIEWER: Did you ever have a serious relationship with a woman while you were performing as a porn actor? If yes, how did your partner react to your career choice? If not, do you think that your career choice hindered your ability to find a partner?

DAVE: I don’t think it is possible to have a serious relationship with someone while being involved in an acting capacity in the adult media industry. I formed some close friendships with some of the girls and hung out with them from time to time, but I never tried to have a serious relationship with them. This had nothing to do with the fact they were doing porn, but more so to do with the fact that they were crazy. If I would have met a bright, educated, cute, mentally-stable girl who happened to do porn, I certainly would have dated her. I just never found one.

INTERVIEWER: Could you offer a broad description of the typical personality profiles of male and female porn actors?

DAVE: The female actresses, in my opinion, are all damaged (e.g., histories of sexual or emotional abuse). I know it sounds bad to say that, but that has been my experience after spending over a decade in the industry. I have yet to meet a non-damaged (i.e., no past history of sexual or emotional abuse or trauma) professional (e.g., attorney, doctor, professor) female who left her job to make adult videos. With men, however, there are two different types of guys. The first type is the guy with nothing to lose. He works a minimum wage job, has no assets, and jumps at the opportunity to do porn, assuming it is somehow presented to him. After all, most attractive women would never have sex with these guys, so it’s a golden opportunity for them. The other guy is the semi-retired professional who really doesn’t need to work anymore, so he typically starts his own business and shoots himself in most of the scenes in a way that doesn’t show his face. This allows him to maintain his vanilla (mainstream) friendships while still having sex with attractive women for fun. This is what gave rise to the POV [point of view] method of shooting [As explained to me -- interviewer -- by Dave, the man receiving a sex act holds the camera as though the lens were his eyes. His face is never shown. I learned something new!]

INTERVIEWER: What are your thoughts on the “damaged good” hypothesis when it comes to female porn actresses?

DAVE: It is very true, unfortunately; and it makes sense from an evolutionary psychology standpoint. The cost of having sex for women is much higher compared to men, so it doesn’t make much sense for a woman to seek out a career where she is having low-investment sex with a variety of males, especially of low social status and resources. Think of the corresponding scenario for men. We win from an evolutionary psychology standpoint when we are able to have sex and procreate with a variety of fertile women. Hardcore porn is much more closely aligned with male sexuality.

INTERVIEWER: In one of my recent Psychology Today articles (see here), I discussed a published paper that investigated the “damaged goods” hypothesis. The conclusions of the study do not seem to support your contention.

DAVE: It’s true as my experience goes. Looking at your link, it doesn’t mention prior sexual assault or emotional abuse growing up, which is my definition of damaged goods. Also, questionnaires are limited compared to behavioral research. I interviewed this girl for my documentary and asked her on camera if she had a past history of sexual or emotional abuse, and she said “no”. However, she had revealed to me in the past that she did. When I asked her why she lied, she said “people don’t need to know that.” Many people feel the same way when answering questionnaires.



So yes, folks, it’s true! As many people who have been in porn will tell you, (the ones who are willing to now be honest), lying about their past and their true feelings and reality was not only the norm for them in porn, but a necessary part of their “profession” to “maintain the fantasy.” (Authenticity and truth in porn is bad for “business”!)

For examples, check out Jenna Jameson’s statements about this sad issue and her own porn career here:

Photo credit: WPBF News


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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Thursday, July 18, 2013

ANTI-PORN VICTORY! :-) Porn industry loses lawsuit and must still prove workers are over 18


GREAT NEWS! The government just won the legal case requiring the porn industry to prove that all workers are over 18 years old! The pornography industry brought the case against the government because they felt it was too much of a “burden” on their “free speech” rights to have to ensure that underage exploitation wasn’t occurring by documenting the age and identity of everyone that was being photographed in the nude by them, or being filmed having sex. (“Sex” that is almost always unsafe, and often full of cruelty, abuse and degradation.) Thankfully the judge in this case wisely disagreed with the pornographers and decided to hold them accountable!

Needless to say the porn industry is upset about this. @MarkKernes of Adult Video News just tweeted:

“@markkernes: 2257-The good news: No more warrantless searches without probable cause. The bad news: We still have to prove we aren’t child pornographers.”

We actually think that pornographers having to prove that they aren’t sexually exploiting children is perfectly reasonable. What about you? Do you agree?

Check out the details of this case and this anti-porn victory below in a press release by Stop Porn Culture:


The Free Speech Coalition, the lobbying arm of the porn industry, suffered a major blow today in their challenge to the constitutionality of 18 USC 2257, which requires them to keep age verification records that porn performers are 18 or above. Judge Michael Baylson, a federal judge serving on senior status for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania found in favor of the government and ruled 2257 to be constitutional under the First and Fourth Amendment.

Dr. Gail Dines, an expert witness for the Department of Justice, argued that 2257 was vital for protecting children from being sexually exploited by the porn industry. Because “Teen Porn” is one of the top porn search terms in the world (500,000 searches daily), one of the largest porn genres on the internet, and the female performers in this genre look especially youthful, Dr. Dines argued that 2257 is one of the key ways to prevent the porn industry from using minors as a way to build a consumer base for young looking female performers.


Go Gail Dines! Go team! :-)

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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What Serial Killers and Murderers think about Pornography


Check out this informative article on what serial killers think of pornography and their connections to it! Very revealing! (From the site of Pornography Harms – @Porn_Harms)

The following is a summary of direct quotes or information about various convicted serial killers from the past.

- Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer of Wisconsin, speaking of his routine before hunting for a victim said, “Just…using pictures of past victims…the pornography videos, the magazines…” Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 boys and men.

- Ted Bundy, convicted rapist and mutilation murderer of Washington, said that hard-core pornography had a “crystallizing effect” on his violent tendencies and his acting out during the 1970s.

- Arthur Gary Bishop from Utah, executed for raping and murdering five boys in the 1980s, said pornography’s “effect on me was devastating.”

- Andrei Chikatilo, a Russian serial killer, murdered at least 53 women and children. ”…with pictures of naked women in his prison cell, he blamed pornography as the cause of this troubles.”

- Wisconsin resident Ed Gein, the first serial killer, aka The Butcher of Plainfield, and inspiration for movies such as Psycho, Maniac, and The Silence of the Lambs ”accumulated a library of anatomy books, porn magazines, horror and adventure novel…” in the 1950s.

- John Wayne Gacy‘s wife filed for divorce in 1976 because “Gacy’s moods had become erratic, and [she] had found Gacy’s pornographic magazine collection which was all centered around young boys.” Gacy killed at least 33 young men and boys in Chicago, Illinois.

- The nickname BTK (bind, torture, kill) was given to Dennis Rader, a Kansas native, who killed 10 people. “He kept meticulous records of his fantasies and crimes in what he called his ‘mother lode’ collection of pornography.”

- David Berkowitz killed over a dozen people in New York. He joined a cult and was introduced to “drug use, sadistic pornography and violent crime.” The cult also created and distributed child pornography.

- Richard Ramirez was exposed to explicit pictures of his cousin “raping Vietnamese women and severing the heads of Vietcong soldiers.” He in turn killed at least 13 people in California.

- Edmund Kemper, a California serial killer and necrophile known as the Co-ed Killer, used pornography and detective magazines for erotic stimulation; he picked up women who were hitch-hiking, then killed, and raped them post-mortem.

- Ottis Toole from Florida became obsessed with gay pornography. He “committed his first murder at the age of 14.” During his killing spree, accompanied by Henry Lee Lucas, he killed 108 people.

- The Grim Sleeper, Lonnie Franklin Jr., “had a penchant for prostitutes and pornography.” A resident of LA, he would pick up prostitutes, take pornographic pictures of his victims, then strangle them to death. His killing spree included 11 murders.

- In the murder case of Tia Sharp, a 12-year-old girl from the UK, the judge declared to murderer Stuart Hazell, “the records of your internet searching on your mobile phone make abundantly clear that you were looking out for pornographic pictures of pre-teen girls.”

- In 2013, on the day Mark Bridger, a UK native, abducted April Jones, he “viewed online photographs of a young girl and a pornographic cartoon depicting…rape.”

- The use of pornography likely will not result in the casual viewer to commit violent acts; in the cases cited above, their behaviors included pornography use. I believe pornography can have serious and lasting affects on behavior.

NOTE: This is just one of many articles posted on our Facebook page by Kevin Manningham, a very helpful anti-porn advocate. Please check out, like and share some of his other excellent posts, and those by others who post new content on our page on a daily basis. Thanks! :-)


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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Monday, July 15, 2013

Story by GlobalNonCompliance: “When You Objectify Women in Porn, You Objectify Yourself (And Your Current and Future Partners)”


Check out this thought-provoking story on how using pornography harms and objectifies both women and the user. Also, please don’t forget to SHARE AND COMMENT! We will pass on a link to this post to the author so he can read your feedback. :-) Thanks!


By GlobalNonCompliance (male, 20′s, U.S.)

Porn is addicting, more it is insidious and will grow on you like a parasite. Porn opens young men and women up to a world of pain and suffering that they could never begin to glimpse from the get-go. It starts innocently enough with a computer in the bedroom as a teenager, it can end with taking one’s own life like many of the men and women you watch like to do.

It will tear the lives of man and women, husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend apart. It will breed violence and decay within the minds of those who worship and salivate over these icons of sexuality and smut. It can be linked to an increase in murder and rape, pedophilia and a morphing of the social construct of sex in general. Porn is a gateway drug to deeper hardcore perversion and sadomasochism, the darker sins of humankind… SEX AND VIOLENCE AS ONE.

People think it’s OK, but when you grow up with a computer in your bedroom, what you end up watching after years would scare somebody who has actually participated in actual hedonism. I haven’t had a real relationship in many years because of my addiction and lack of self-control. You may say that’s not me, but we all have urges, and you open up Pandora’s box when you watch porn.

When you view pornography there are certain emotions and stress revealed, and when this become habitual, those emotions change almost overnight to guilt and anxiety, because deep down you know you’re not only objectifying those women on the computer screen, but you’re objectifying yourself, and your future partners. Not only that you’re escaping something that you refuse to recognize within yourself, some lack of self-confidence or rage at the world. You are building THE damaging habit and burning terrible images into your brain that you will always carry with you unto death.

A healthy sexual relationship cannot exist in many people’s lives when porn occupies a young man’s thoughts, emotions, and chemistry. The problems with pornography here and America only embodies a much greater crisis, a crisis of the spirit, or the lack thereof in this civilized world. Be careful what dark forces you invite into your life and allow to take hold, because asking them to leave only faith and love can provide. Don’t you have enough escapism already in your life, to invite another in you may never get out?


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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Saturday, July 13, 2013

“Shifting Perceptions of Prostitution” – (Law now replacing “aggravated promotion of prostitution” with “sex trafficking”)


Here’s a great article on how prostitution laws and attitudes towards prostituted women are changing for the better!

[Bangor Daily News] — Victims of sex trafficking in Maine might call themselves prostitutes. Their pimps and those buying their sex might call them prostitutes. But if they are not prostituting themselves by choice, they are victims. Their pimps, who control their behavior, often with violence, threats and drugs, are the criminals.

On Thursday, Gov. Paul LePage held a ceremonial signing of a bill, LD 1159, sponsored by Rep. Mark Dion, D-Portland, that gives Maine its first sex trafficking law. By replacing “aggravated promotion of prostitution” with “sex trafficking” in Maine law, the legislation shows a shift in cultural understanding of the crime. By adding sex trafficking as a human trafficking offense, it makes resources available to survivors. The law also increases penalties for traffickers and allows for more flexibility in the sentencing of “johns.”

Now that Maine has the law, it will need the tools to enforce it. That means police, health care providers and district attorneys will have to think differently about what they are encountering in their distinct but connected professions.

Too often, for example, pimps are arrested or prosecuted for side matters — such as money laundering, drug deals or assault — that don’t cut to the heart of their most egregious offense. Or doctors might see patients with rapid repeat pregnancies or abortions, a high number of reported sex partners, general ill health and a high incidence of sexually transmitted infections. Instead of treating individual problems, they must put the pieces together, know how to ask the right questions and connect their patients to the best resources.

For a long time, police performed their duty to uphold the law and arrested those acting as prostitutes: Undercover officers pretended to be customers, solicited sex and then arrested the man or woman. But police have gradually shifted their perception and approach, and trafficking convictions have followed suit.

An analysis by the police department in Anaheim, Calif., for example, found that prostitution activity always returned no matter how many women were arrested. The women often came from similar backgrounds of neglect and abuse, and a majority told police selling themselves was their only way to survive. The police came to realize many of the women were being trafficked.

Anaheim police changed their strategy and began an effort to help women escape their dangerous situations and identify pimps as possible suspects. Instead of arresting the women, they began to take them off the street and bring them to a comfortable room at the police department where they could discuss the manipulation that led to their prostitution. They connected them with resources and pursued the traffickers with victims’ help.

From the project’s inception in August 2011, through Oct. 31, 2012, 38 pimps were arrested and charged; 20 were convicted. At that time, 18 awaited trial, and Anaheim police had rescued 52 human trafficking victims.

READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share to spread the word and support the cause. Thanks! :-) )


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