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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Former porn star and CSUN student Jennie Ketcham shares her story


Here’s an article with ex-porn star Jennie Ketcham sharing the harsh truth of the porn industry. (Jennie is @BecomingJennie at Twitter.)

We love Jennie because she really knows what she’s talking about and she always just tells it like it is! And on top of that she’s a wonderful person who is setting a great example of someone who has left porn and who has made a positive transition to a healthier life. Go Jennie! :-)

[Sundial] — Jennie Ketcham, former porn star and current CSUN psychology major, dispelled myths about the porn industry providing actors an endlessly glamorous lifestyle during the lecture “Porn’s Glass Ceiling: An Illusionary Wage Gap,” in the USU Tuesday.

After a lucrative eight year run as an award-winning porn actress, Kecham gave up drugs and alcohol and realized she could not continue the job while sober.

“I thought it would validate me, so I did nude modeling, the gateway drug to hard core porn. I didn’t realize that validation can come from inside,” said Ketcham, author of “I Am Jennie.” “Nothing about what I did gave me skills to live in the real world.”

Ketcham said “average females” are porn stars that are not in high demand. They are very easily replaceable and their careers often do not last longer than a year. She estimated that they can make about $88,000 a year doing two scenes a week or 162 a year. The “average male,” whose careers have more longevity at an average of five years, can make comparable income but must perform about four scenes a week.

“Exceptional females,” or those in very high demand, can make their careers last closer to 10 years at $249,600 a year, doing about four a week or 192 a year. “Exceptional males,” who can make their careers last the longest at 15 years, will make slightly more, about $268,800 a year, but have to perform almost every day at about 336 scenes a year.

Exact numbers are hard to find because of how closed off the industry tries to be, but estimates were based off figures she came across when working as a director, she said.

“Porn is the greatest myth of the entertainment business because no one knows about it,” Ketcham said. “I knew if I spoke out I would be blacklisted and it would take away that temptation, I couldn’t go back – it’s like erasing your drug dealer’s phone number.”

At high rates and a fast turn around, Ketcham said the glass ceiling for the porn industry is that performers have to give up more to make more, all together making it an unsustainable career.

“I have a friend that has been in the business for seven years and just did her first anal scene for $10,000,” Ketcham said.

“Tomorrow it will go back to the regular rate of $1,300 and now that people expect it, they want you to do it now.”

Whatever reasons people have for getting into the industry, decisions start with the discrepancy between who they really are and who they ideally want to be, Ketcham said. “When I was young I didn’t know where I fit in. I didn’t know my role in family or my family’s role in society (and) I felt muddled and confused,” she said.


To learn more about Jennie’s reasons for getting into porn, as well as her thoughts about why some other people may get into porn, read the rest of the story at the link below: (Also please don’t forget to like, comment, and share this post to spread the word and support the cause. Thanks! :-) )

Also, please LIKE Jennie’s Facebook Page for her powerful book (link below), and check out our page on Jennie at our site, which includes lots of videos and some of Jennie’s excellent articles on the harms of pornography. Thanks! :-)


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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013 Update! March 27, 2013 at 05:10AM

Here’s an informative article on how #porn is affecting young men & conditioning them to be rapists & abusers. ~ It also has some very good advice about how parents can help prevent this. Check it out!

[Metro World News] — Jared Watkins, a 23-year-old in Washington, DC, doesn’t have any illusions about men’s sexuality: “Most men my age watch porn. We’re the first generation that grew up with porn so easily available to us. Pornography is starting to get more violent, and we feel disgusted with ourselves for watching it, but many of us are confused about their disgust, because they think this is what real sex is like.”

Indeed, today’s boys watch porn growing up – and a lot of it. According to new surveys, the average boy now starts viewing porn at age 11 – even boys as young as seven now watch it. What they see is often hardcore.

“Sexual curiosity is healthy, but we’re raising our boys on violent porn,” says Carleton Hendrick, a Harvard-educated psychotherapist in Massachusetts who has treated hundreds of teenagers. “Thanks to the internet, porn is now boys’ primary sex educator. They watch it on their computers, on their phones, their tablets and their friends’ computers. With the average viewing time per week being two hours, it means they see thousands of images that tell them that cruel, violent sexual acts against girls are permissible, even desired by girls. It’s having staggering consequences on our boys, and by implication on our girls.”

Todd Spaulding, clinical director at the Oxbow Academy in rural Utah, treats such boys. “Ten boys can look at porn, and you can’t predict whether they’ll become abusers,” he explains. “But the reality is that they can watch anything online, including sadistic and cruel sex. This sex is objectification and dehumanization of girls. Their attitude becomes, ‘You’re an object and therefore I can do whatever I want to you’.”

Oxbow treats 40 boys at the time in its residential program; it’s not even a drop in the bucket, as Spaulding acknowledges. That’s where Neil Irvin comes in. As executive director of the group Men Can Stop Rape, Irvin teaches young boys across the United States – and now abroad – about healthy sexuality.

“I’m a math and history teacher by training,” he says. “Teaching sexuality is as important! We show boys what can happen to them if they use drugs or pornography. We help them understand healthy sexuality and give them male role models they can talk to when they meet a girl they’re attracted to.”

Without programs like Irvin’s, do we risk raising sexual predators, and women willing to accept violence? Candida Royalle, a pioneer of the feminist ‘by-and-for-women’ porn genre, believes the risk is exaggerated: “While some standard porn can be described as sexist and at times degrading, it’s not particularly violent. And while it may model sexual behavior that’s not sensitive to what women want, for the most part it’s not promoting violence.”

But, observes Hendrick, girls are growing up with the idea that they have to subject themselves to boys’ porn-style desires: “Many girls even go on porn sites to see what boys really want, even though it hurts. Girls are outperforming boys academically and succeeding at every other level, but in order to please boys they sexually degrade themselves.”

Boys and sex: Preventing rape

Two million boys have attended Men Can Stop Rape’s school program, the Men of Strength club (MOST). “We send 100 selected boys invitations saying, ‘You’ve been nominated as a leader of your school’,” explains Neil Irvin. “Then the boys are invited to a meeting with pizza and a cool movie.” MOST’s leaders then tell them that not everyone will be invited to join. “That makes them want to be selected,” explains Irvin. “The members get special access to things. That makes the program cool.”

Keep red flags down: How to prevent your son from developing an unhealthy porn habit:

1. Talk with your child about sex very early. Teach him about good touching, bad touching, secret touching.

2. Set boundaries. The more internet access you give your kids, the more they’ll access harmful content.

3. If he exceeds his internet privileges, confiscate his computer or iPad. Don’t try to be his friend, even if being strict results in his saying he’ll punch a hole in the wall.

4. If your son watches porn, talk about it. Don’t vilify his attraction to girls, or even to other boys, but explain that it’s not healthy to keep viewing such websites. It will be an uncomfortable conversation, but it has to be!

5. If your son develops a pornography habit, ask why he feels excited about porn. Don’t take “I don’t know” for an answer. Explain that sexual attraction is a good thing, and why you don’t want him to get it through watching porn.

Please don’t forget to like, comment on, and share this article to inform others about the harms of porn and to support the cause. Thanks!

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Artist Suzzan Blac’s Powerful True Story of Being Sex Trafficked — “The Divine Tragedy”


PLEASE READ AND SHARE this powerful true story of being sex trafficked as a teen, by artist and author Suzzan Blac (@SuzzanBlac). ~ Suzzan is a friend of and would love to hear your feedback on her story. She will check here and at our site for comments and will respond, so please share your thoughts. Thanks! :-)




- by Artist, Author, and Advocate Suzzan Blac

- An excerpt from Suzzan’s book, “The Rebirth of Suzzan Blac”

Up until this time; I thought I knew Evil.

But, I had only ever tasted it.

Now, it was being force fed to me by a malevolence …that had no right to be of this world.

London – 1976

I was so excited on the morning of my interview.

I was to meet Mr. Y at an exclusive hotel in the city center at 2 pm. I washed my hair, fixed my face, painted my nails and put on my prettiest dress.

I was so nervous as I walked into the hotel lobby, but I needn’t have been, because Mr. Y was the most charming of men who put me to ease straight away.

After a couple of drinks and a long chat, he handed me a contract and a consent form, for one of my parents to fill in and sign, as I was only sixteen and still a minor; which served to validate my belief that everything was above board and bona fide.

We discussed the traveling arrangements for the following week, and then said our goodbyes on a hand shake.

I almost skipped the whole way back to the bus stop. I was on cloud nine and once in my seat, I went over the things that he had said to me.

He told me that I had the most symmetrical face that he had ever seen, that I was incredibly photogenic and that he had ‘big’ plans for me.

I had never been so thrilled in my life. I went straight to mother’s house to ask her to sign the consent form. She promptly did, no questions asked, we said our goodbyes and she wished me a good time in London.

The following week I met Mr. Y at New Street railway station. I was besides myself with excitement, especially as I had never been to London before. I felt so confident and sophisticated as Mr. Y complimented me and told me about all the jobs he would line up for me in London and on the continent.

We arrived at Euston station late afternoon. Mr. Y flagged down a black cab and told me that he had a surprise for me.

I was amazed as I took in some of the famous sights during the ride, and even more so when he took me into an exclusive shop to pick out an outfit. He told me that he wanted me to look really special as we were to meet his partner for dinner and drinks that evening.

I had never been so happy as I came out of the changing room wearing a sophisticated black dress, silk stockings and black heels. Mr. Y asked the shop assistant if I could wear them, and if she would kindly put my clothes into a carrier bag for me.

The next two hours were spent sight seeing and drinking coffee in a hotel bar. At 7 pm we walked into a beautiful restaurant to meet Mr. S, who was equally charming and courteous.

They both made me feel like I was somebody. For the first time in my life I actually felt worthy and respected.

We drank, ate and discussed my promising future until around 11 pm. I was feeling rather light headed and tired as the three of us climbed into a cab. I naturally assumed that we would be going to some hotel, say our good nights and meet up the next morning for further discussions.

The cab came to a halt. Mr. Y paid the fare and we all climbed out of the vehicle, into a small, nondescript side street.

We continued to walk through endless back streets, but with each step, the surroundings seemed to get rougher and seedier. It all started to feel rather menacing, and I began to feel rather apprehensive. I knew that at this point, there was no turning back

Finally, we reached a large building that looked like it had once been a hotel. Many of its windows were boarded up and it was in a state of disrepair. As we entered the outer porch, I began to feel a strong sense of regret and forbodement.

Mr. Y unlocked the heavy front door and escorted me into a small bar area, in which a few shifty looking men sat drinking and talking.

They all stopped simultaneously to look at me as we entered.

I felt extremely uneasy and perturbed as Mr. Y told me to sit down. Mr. S brought some drinks over and gave one to me. “Just a nightcap for you, darlin,” he smiled.

As I finished my drink, Mr. Y turned to me and asked, “Would you mind coming to my room to sign some papers before you go to bed?”

Although alarm bells were frantically ringing inside my head, I said that I would; I felt at that point that I would have no choice anyway.

Mr. Y showed me where my room was on the way to his. He opened his door, and gestured for me to enter and sit on the single bed. I could see his briefcase and lots of paperwork on the dressing table. My eyes scanned the room as he took off his jacket, it looked like a basic, cheap hotel room except there was no TV and the window was boarded up.

Mr. Y looked me up and down, smiled and told me to take off my clothes.

My heartbeat dramatically increased so much so, that I could hear the blood pumping loudly in my ears, as the realization of what was happening hit me like a sledge hammer and my body froze.

I was so scared that I did what I was told.




Also please support Suzzan’s work by checking out her website and blog, LIKING her Facebook Pages, and by friending and/or subscribing to her personal Facebook account, as well as following her at Twitter. And of course please LIKE AND SHARE this post also. Thanks! :-)









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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Saturday, March 23, 2013


Check out this powerful and thought-provoking poster from the Not For Sale Project!



- Men choose to buy women for sex.

- Men choose to reduce women to sexual commodities and receptacles.

- Men choose to objectify, dehumanize, and degrade women for their own gratification.

- Men’s choices HURT women. Demand that men make different choices.




For more great posters about the harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and more, check out the Not For Sale Project! All the posters can be downloaded at no cost and shared freely, so please do so!

ALSO, if any of YOU have an idea for a poster, they are seeking submissions. Check out the info below from their website to learn more! :-)


The Not For Sale Media Project is a mobilization of feminist media makers and grassroots activists that are creatively challenging the mass media’s normalization of prostitution, pornography, and other forms of sexual abuse through the creation and distribution of alternative media. We are creating alternative forms of media that encourage individuals and communities to think more critically about the buying and selling of women’s bodies; the commodification of sex and sexuality; impacts on individuals and groups of people; and alternative visions of sex and sexuality free of power abuse, violence, and hierarchy.

The Not For Sale Media Project is currently embarking on the creation of posters that raise awareness on issues of prostitution, pornography, and trafficking. The posters are 8.5″ x 14″ or 11″ x 17″ in size and are being utilized for public and community education. View some of the posters below. We encourage you to download, print, and circulate them in your own community.

Join our efforts! You do not have to be an artist or graphic designer to take part in the Not For Sale Media Project. The only requirement is that you have a commitment to raising public awareness about the harms of prostitution, pornography, and trafficking. For those interested, design and create a 8.5″X 14″ or 11″x17″ poster that educates the public on the realities and harms of prostitution, pornography, and/or trafficking. If you have an idea but don’t know how to turn it into a finished poster, we can help out. Share your posters and ideas with us at or via mail at PO Box 674, Northampton, MA 01061, USA.


Finally, please don’t forget to like, comment on, and share this post to help spread the word and support the cause! Thanks! :-)


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YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~

TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~

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Friday, March 22, 2013

HAVANA: How Cuba became the newest hotbed for tourists craving sex with minors


PLEASE READ AND SHARE this powerful article on the rampant sex tourism, child prostitution and sometimes also child pornography in Cuba. It was brought to our attention by our friends at the Hispanic National Bar Association of Florida, whose work to combat human trafficking we really appreciate!

[Miami Herald] — The 50-something Canadian steps inside a downtown bar, his left arm wound tightly around the waist of a young prostitute as he flashes a sly grin. A winking bartender welcomes him like an old friend.

“It’s hard not to be inspired by this,” Michael says, looking over his companion for the night. “And that,” he adds, his eyes pointing to one of the other young women in the bar. “This is the promised land.”

Michael, a retiree from Vancouver Island, spends up to six months a year in Havana, where he says he has discovered easy access to young women willing to ignore age differences — in exchange for as little as $30 for the night.

Foreign tourists, especially Canadians and Spaniards, are travelling to Cuba in surprising numbers for sex — and not just with adult prostitutes. They are finding underage girls and boys, a joint investigation by The Toronto Star and El Nuevo Herald has found.

Havana’s conspicuous scenes of street-level prostitution are the outward face of a hidden prostitution trade in minors, some as young as four, some with families complicit in their exploitation, the newspapers found.

Cuba holds unique allure for Western sex tourists. It is closer and cheaper than other sex destinations, such as Thailand. And HIV rates are lower than in other Caribbean sex tourism hotspots, such as the Dominican Republic or Haiti.

While the size of the island’s underage sex market remains a mystery — the communist government denies it is a problem and fosters the image of an island free of the social ills that plague other nations — it clearly goes on.

• A confidential Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) report in 2011 showed Cuba was one of the main destinations in the Americas for Canadian sex predators, along with the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Brazil and Mexico. More than one million Canadian tourists visited Cuba last year.

• Cuba’s government “made no known efforts to reduce the demand for commercial sex,” noted the 2012 version of the U.S. State Department’s annual report on global Trafficking in Persons (TIP).

• The 2003 version noted that some officials of Cuban state enterprises such as restaurants and hotels “turn a blind eye to this [child] exploitation because such activity helps to win hard currency.”

• A dispatch by U.S. diplomats in Havana in 2009 noted that “some Cuban children are reportedly pushed into prostitution by their families, exchanging sex for money, food or gifts,” but gave no overall numbers.

Pimps, cabbies and tourist hotel staffers can procure discreet meetings with underage prostitutes, according to the RCMP report.

“That’s prohibited here in the hotel,” a security chief at a Havana hotel told a journalist posing as a tourist in search of underage girls. But, he added helpfully, they can be found “in houses waiting for the call from pimps.”

Clients can take them to private homes, known as “casas particulares,” the security man noted, where tourists can rent rooms for $10 a night and do “whatever you want. Orgies, anything.”

READ THE REST OF THIS STORY AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share to spread the word and support the cause. Thanks! :-) )


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FACEBOOK: – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ ~~

YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~

TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Thursday, March 21, 2013

FEMINIST CURRENT: “The Steubenville rape case: This is masculinity” (and rape culture and porn culture)


Check out this powerful post by Feminist Current (@FeministCurrent) on the recent high-profile Steubenville rape case. Meghan Murphy describes how the brutally cruel rape of an unconscious young woman, and all of the horrific acts surrounding it by others, are not random unique events, but sadly the EXPECTED NORM in the RAPE CULTURE of toxic masculinity that we currently live in, that is fueled by the PORN CULTURE that we currently live in, that is fueled by PORNOGRAPHY, which is created, sold and distributed by the multi billion dollar PORN INDUSTRY.

[Feminist Current] – Two high school football players from Steubenville, Ohio were found guilty of raping a 16 year old girl on Sunday. They were both convicted of digitally penetrating the victim, and one was found guilty of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material.

The allegations against the young men, Trent Mays, 17, and Ma’lik Richmond, 16, came after a series of photos, videos, texts, and social media posts were brought to light last August. One photo showed the victim “lying naked on the floor at a party, with semen from one of the defendants on her chest.” Another, widely circulated, showed the two young men carrying the passed-out girl by her arms and legs. Mays and Richmond have been sentenced to at least one year in juvenile jail, but can be held until they are 21.

These young men have been both pitied and vilified (but mostly pitied). Anyone who followed the reaction online after the verdict was announced on Sunday will have likely witnessed some of the horrific victim blaming that went on (and continues). Matt Binder documented some of the many Tweets arguing that the victim should be charged for underage drinking, that if “you don’t want to get raped, don’t get blackout drunk,” or that “of course the girl is going to cry rape once her parents find out after videos go viral.” It got much worse than that. Two girls were arrested today after sending death threats to the victim.

I don’t pity these boys. For once, men are being held accountable for their behaviour. It’s abnormal, for sure. No wonder people are shocked. After all, we’re used to dicks reigning with impunity. We’re used to hearing stories, whether in the media or in our own lives, about rapes going unpunished. What’s shocking is not that this happened in the first place, but that these young men were found delinquent (the juvenile court equivalent of being found guilty).

But I’m also not interested in vilifying these individuals. What I think we need to understand is that, yes, this behaviour was absolutely disgusting and horrific and that absolutely this must be treated as a crime, these young men are not monsters. They are just regular guys. Regular guys who play football, go to high school, and go to parties with their friends and who have learned, growing up male in a rape and porn culture, that women aren’t real, full, human beings. They’ve learned, as many boys and men learn, that women exist for the entertainment of men; whether on stage at a strip club, on screen in porn, or blackout drunk at a party.

READ THE REST OF THIS POWERFUL POST AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share this post to spread the word and support the cause, as well as LIKE Feminist Current here at Facebook and FOLLOW @FeministCurrent at Twitter . Thanks! :-) )

WARNING: Very graphic and disturbing content!

NOTE: Please read the remainder of the article at the link before commenting, to avoid any misunderstandings. Thanks!


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TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Monday, March 18, 2013

HARM STORY: “RAPED, MOLESTED AND ABUSED — AGAIN AND AGAIN” — Emmanuelle L. (15 year old Autistic girl from England had child porn made of her and was raped and molested multiple times)


Today we’re starting a new tradition! Personal Harm Story Mondays. Here’s the most recent story of over 100 that have been collected so far by our organization, through submissions to us at our website and via our social networks:


- by Emmanuelle L. (female, 15, England, found via our Tumblr)

At two I was already reading. I found pornographic magazines while on a playdate at a friend’s house and never went back. The women looked empty, wrong, inhuman, splayed beneath bright headlines and bad words, and of course it frightened me. I remember it very clearly.

Growing up autistic, I had trouble knowing what was appropriate and what was not. At four, I was molested by the adopted daughter of one of my mother’s friends, whom I do not blame; she had severe learning difficulties and was abused herself by her biological family. She later went on to molest my youngest brother, then an infant.

At five, a family friend of around thirty years old set his sights on me; thus followed a long year of almost-daily rape and shocking verbal abuse. He coerced me into watching hardcore pornography with him, and would often act out on my body what was being played on the screen.

I became even more withdrawn than I naturally was, and started self-harming – banging my head against walls, drinking bottles of pain medication. My parents discovered what was happening around the end of that year (2002), and banned him from contacting us ever again, but they did not bring about legal action.

This obviously made my behavioral problems worse. I had a respite of three years before I started puberty at eight, which was also when my eating disorder began; I was molested by a male gynecologist at nine, tried to kill myself, and shortly after this began to menstruate, which exacerbated the bullying I already suffered at school for being “odd” (read: autistic). I was something of a frequent pornography user at this age, but strangely enough never masturbated to it or became aroused by it.

At eleven, in secondary school, my shirts were often pulled up or yanked down, the buttons frequently broken, so the boys could take photographs of me on their camera phones and trade them amongst themselves with captions like “big tit slut” and “bombshell ;) “. I was bullied by the other girls, vicious and intelligent young women, because of this attention, and because of my self-harm habit. At twelve, my eating disorder was getting worse and worse, and I ended up trying to kill myself for the second time; in the hospital, on sedatives, I was groped by the young man in the bed next to mine.

At thirteen, I discovered child pornography on what is known among internet users as the “deep web”, only accessible with certain software. I found (and still find) it to be absolutely disgusting, but felt an urge to explore this seedy underbelly further. As the pornography I saw became more extreme, I felt worse and worse until, unbelievably, I came across footage of myself at five. After this, I never viewed child pornography again; the non-sexual need to explore it was sated.

At fourteen I was 5’9″ and 71 pounds. While I am currently in recovery from my eating disorder, I have thirty percent kidney function and have had to have part of my esophagus removed. I have extensive bodily scarring and suffer from schizophrenia, depression and borderline personality disorder.

I have a wonderful and vehemently anti-porn boyfriend and good friends, but it is not over.

Yesterday, (it is the 2nd of March, 2013), I was raped on a night out, the first since my nervous breakdown at the end of last year. This has prompted me to submit my story of abuse here, and to show everyone how awful pornography can be, and is.


– This is just one of numerous personal stories that have been shared with us that painfully demonstrate the truly devastating harms of pornography and sexual abuse. So feel free to refer people who say porn is “harmless” to all of these stories at the link below, and to read more of them yourself. Also please don’t forget to like, comment on, and share this story to spread the word about the harms of pornography and to support the cause. Thanks!

NOTE: If YOU have a personal harm story that you’d like to share, concerning pornography, prostitution, or any form of sexual abuse or exploitation, (it can be shared ANONYMOUSLY), please feel free to submit it to us via the form at the below link, for it to be posted on our site and shared here and elsewhere. Thank you!


Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~

FACEBOOK: – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ ~~

YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~

TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Saturday, March 16, 2013

POSTER: “Do you know where your kids are when they’re surfing the web? Kids 12-17 years old are the largest group of internet porn viewers. Over a third of 13-14 year old boys report viewing porn videos/DVDs “too many times to count.””

This is another powerful poster from the Not For Sale Project that shows some of the harms of pornography. This poster was done by, and there are some more by them at the link further below, as well as a number of other great posters by other groups and organizations. These educational posters address the harms of pornography, prostitution, and other types of sexual exploitation and abuse, and they are all downloadable and available to be shared freely with others, anywhere you like. So please check them out and help out the cause by sharing them with your friends and everyone you know! Thanks! ALSO, if any of YOU have an idea for a poster, they are seeking submissions. Check out the info below from their website to learn more! :-)


The Not For Sale Media Project is a mobilization of feminist media makers and grassroots activists that are creatively challenging the mass media’s normalization of prostitution, pornography, and other forms of sexual abuse through the creation and distribution of alternative media. We are creating alternative forms of media that encourage individuals and communities to think more critically about the buying and selling of women’s bodies; the commodification of sex and sexuality; impacts on individuals and groups of people; and alternative visions of sex and sexuality free of power abuse, violence, and hierarchy.

The Not For Sale Media Project is currently embarking on the creation of posters that raise awareness on issues of prostitution, pornography, and trafficking. The posters are 8.5″ x 14″ or 11″ x 17″ in size and are being utilized for public and community education. View some of the posters below. We encourage you to download, print, and circulate them in your own community.

Join our efforts! You do not have to be an artist or graphic designer to take part in the Not For Sale Media Project. The only requirement is that you have a commitment to raising public awareness about the harms of prostitution, pornography, and trafficking. For those interested, design and create a 8.5″X 14″ or 11″x17″ poster that educates the public on the realities and harms of prostitution, pornography, and/or trafficking. If you have an idea but don’t know how to turn it into a finished poster, we can help out. Share your posters and ideas with us at or via mail at PO Box 674, Northampton, MA 01061, USA.

P.S. Please don’t forget to like, comment on and share this post to spread the word about the harms of porn and to support the cause. Thanks! :-)


Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~

FACEBOOK PAGE: – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ ~~

YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~

TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Thursday, March 14, 2013

‘Cannibal cop’ (and sexual sadist) Gilberto Valle faces life in prison after jury finds him guilty of conspiracy to kidnap women and more


The NYC “Cannibal Cop” who planned to rape, torture, murder, cook & EAT his wife & female friends was found GUILTY of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and illegal use of federal databases. What does this have to do with pornography? A lot! Gilberto Valle followed the normal pattern for violent porn users: Desensitization, escalation, then ACTING OUT. See the shocking details below. ~ WARNING! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC, VIOLENT, AND DISTURBING CONTENT AHEAD!

[NY Daily News] [Excerpts] — Prosecutors contended the city cop was “a sexual sadist” who had been seeking guidance online for how to abduct, torture, rape, cook, kill and eat women, including his wife, two old college friends and an Archbishop Molloy High School softball star.

Their key piece of evidence was Valle’s family computer, which had been handed over to the feds by Valle’s wife of three months, Kathleen Mangan-Valle, after she discovered his horrifying plans.

The computer at their Forest Hills, Queens, home was loaded with crime-scene pictures of dead and mutilated women, twisted images of women being tortured and sexually assaulted, pictures of female friends he’d downloaded from Facebook, Google searches for terms like, “How to kidnap a woman” and “human meat recipes,” and sickening chats with three co-conspirators where he spoke about his stomach-churning plans for his victims.

Valle’s lawyers maintained he was engaging in “fantasy role play” with like-minded “death fetishists” he’d met online. Gatto said Valle liked to pepper his stories with real-life details to make them sound more genuine — and “scary.”

Jurors spent four days reviewing the grisly evidence against Valle. Some of it was “material that degrades the human spirit and corrupts the human soul,” Judge Paul Gardephe told them after the verdict. [...]

The group had drawn timelines to discuss what exactly occurred, when it occurred and how it occurred, and as they pieced it together, the picture that emerged was that of a man who was stepping out of the world of fantasy and into reality.

“The majority of what we were looking at we felt was fantasy. I think like an addict needs a larger and larger dose, he was needing things that were more and more real and he was progressing,” Pineiro said. “He was speaking to what we felt [were] serious people and he didn’t back away from them. He willingly continued the conversations and sometimes was the provocateur of the conversations,” and then he carried out “overt acts.”

“He was bringing it into real life,” he said.

He didn’t specify what made jurors feel that way, but there had been testimony from an FBI agent that Valle told him his secret cyber life was “bleeding” into reality.

In July, Valle had emailed one of his creepy co-conspirators pictures of his friend Kimberly Sauer in the days before he and his wife were having brunch with her in Maryland — along with a document called “Abduction and Cooking of Kimberly: A Blueprint.”

“I’ll be eyeing her from head to toe and licking my lips, longing for the day I cram a chloroform-soaked rag in her face,” he wrote.

After the brunch, he emailed the man, later revealed to be a British nurse named Dale Bolinger, to say, “She looked absolutely mouthwatering. I could hardly contain myself.”

Then in September, he closed his account on the Darkfetishnet(dot)com website, telling Bolinger he was doing so because it would make it harder for him “to get caught.” Around the same time, he also used his computer to look up the address of the high school student he’d been eyeing, Kirsten Ponticelli.

READ THE REST OF THIS HORRIFIC STORY AT THE LINK BELOW AND CHECK OUT LOTS OF PHOTOS OF THE TRIAL AND THE PEOPLE INVOLVED: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share to spread the word and support the cause. Thanks!)



Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~

FACEBOOK: – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ ~~

YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~

TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

POSTER: “What Are Kids Learning When They Get Their “Sex Education” From Pornography?” (Hint: Nothing good or helpful!)


Check out this powerful poster from the Not For Sale Project that shows the many harms of pornography! ~ This poster was done by, and there are some more by them at the link below, as well as a number of other ones by other groups and organizations. These educational posters address pornography, prostitution, and other types of sexual exploitation and abuse, and they are all downloadable and available to be printed out and shared freely with others, anywhere you like. So please check them out and help out the cause by sharing them with your friends and everyone you know! Thanks! :-)

ALSO, if any of YOU have an idea for a poster, they are seeking submissions. Check out the info below from their website to learn more! :-)


The Not For Sale Media Project is a mobilization of feminist media makers and grassroots activists that are creatively challenging the mass media’s normalization of prostitution, pornography, and other forms of sexual abuse through the creation and distribution of alternative media. We are creating alternative forms of media that encourage individuals and communities to think more critically about the buying and selling of women’s bodies; the commodification of sex and sexuality; impacts on individuals and groups of people; and alternative visions of sex and sexuality free of power abuse, violence, and hierarchy.

The Not For Sale Media Project is currently embarking on the creation of posters that raise awareness on issues of prostitution, pornography, and trafficking. The posters are 8.5″ x 14″ or 11″ x 17″ in size and are being utilized for public and community education. View some of the posters below. We encourage you to download, print, and circulate them in your own community.

Join our efforts! You do not have to be an artist or graphic designer to take part in the Not For Sale Media Project. The only requirement is that you have a commitment to raising public awareness about the harms of prostitution, pornography, and trafficking. For those interested, design and create a 8.5″X 14″ or 11″x17″ poster that educates the public on the realities and harms of prostitution, pornography, and/or trafficking. If you have an idea but don’t know how to turn it into a finished poster, we can help out. Share your posters and ideas with us at or via mail at PO Box 674, Northampton, MA 01061, USA.


Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~

FACEBOOK PAGE: – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ ~~

YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~

TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Sunday, March 10, 2013


PLEASE WATCH this thought-provoking video below on the very serious harms of sadomasochism, created by our friend “R-Luv” at the StarrPowerWomen channel at YouTube. It includes a very powerful original poem written and read by R-luv, which is also posted below, as well as lots of informative content demonstrating how harmful, dangerous and sometimes DEADLY BDSM can be.

Please note that the majority of pornography is now sadomasochistic, and that the violent, risky and degrading BDSM scenarios that are said to be “just acting” in porn, (but which are sometimes very real), are often lived out IN REAL LIFE on prostituted, trafficked and raped women and children, as well as on the pressured and coerced female partners of sadistic porn-addicted and porn-fueled men.


R-luv Spoken Word Poetry on topic of brutality in BDSM sexual assault crimes like the murder of Brittany Killgore RIP…

I’m not down for this pain & pleasure trend

I like a man that’s just plain genuine

It sounds like villains who make pain their pleasure whatever happen to simple love & cherish

what’s up with all the whips & chains & high risks when I would rather settle for a passionate kiss

why is torture yearned for instead of love

I rather just have a hug

I don’t need to choke I don’t need to act like a lowlife animal

treat me like a lady plain & simple….

So don’t let no man make you go on all fours

there’s a war of respect ragin for all women

stand up speak out for our mute victimized dehumanized souls

may brutality cease

God bless you…Peace

♥Hearts out!!

Written by R-luv@StarrPowerWOMEN


Brittany Kilgore BDSM murder news story:

“Brittany Killgore murder suspects killed to satisfy sexual fetishes, documents say”


BDSM B&D = Bondage & Discipline S&M = SADISM & Masochism (Dominance & submission)

As “Fifty Shades of Grey” has made popular headlines you must be informed of facts concerning ALL ABOUT BDSM SADOMASOCHISM!!


BDSM activity, even where clearly consensual, can be and frequently is prosecuted under state criminal laws dealing with assault, aggravated assault, sexual assault or sexual abuse. Such criminal prosecution can arise in various circumstances, including:

– The BDSM “scene” turns out to be more intense or painful or harmful than the submissive participant anticipated, and she or he goes to the police.

– Injury is caused that is sufficiently serious or sufficiently visible that it is brought to the attention of the police by an observer, by hospital personnel or by a friend or relative of the submissive participant.

– The police raid a BDSM event and observe conduct that they interpret as unlawful.

A BDSM relationship ends, leaving the submissive partner with bad feelings, and he or she complains to the police about assault or abuse.

– Someone with a grudge against a participant in the BDSM scene or relationship makes a complaint to the police.

– Or pictures, videos, emails, film or sound recordings of BDSM conduct somehow come into the hands of the police.

Video edited by R-luv@StarrPowerWOMEN with ***INFORMATIVE!!*** RESEARCH from “Law & Order SVU” BDSM Episodes, Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), News Events, R-luv Spoken Word Poetry & MORE.. Thanks4watching ♥Hearts out!!


Please don’t forget to like, comment on, and share this post and the video to help spread the word about the harms of sadomasochism and pornography, and to support the cause. And please subscribe to R-Luv’s StarrPowerWomen channel, which has some other great videos, including ones on the harms of pornography and sex trafficking. Thanks! :-)


Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~

FACEBOOK: – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ ~~

YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~

TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Friday, March 8, 2013

SIGN THIS PETITION: Twitter: Make stricter regulations on blocking pornography on your site.


Please support @LetsLoveProject and sign their petition to get Twitter to make stricter regulations to block porn! ~~ The petition was created by our good anti-porn friend Daniel Ginn who is working hard to do HIS part to make the world a better place with LESS PORNOGRAPHY and MORE LOVE! :-)

CHANGE.ORG PETITION: Twitter: Make stricter regulations on blocking pornography on your site.

“Sadly there are thousands of pornographic images depicting acts of violence and humiliation. We all need to take part in promoting healthier unified equal sexual attitudes. Porn distorts the reality of sexuality and Twitter is too open with the content of the site.”

Please click the link below and sign the petition, and also leave a comment on the petition saying why you think Twitter should make greater efforts to block porn! Thanks!

NOTE: Please don’t forget to follow us at @AntiPornography and @PornAddictHelp1, as well as follow Daniel at @LetsLoveProject. Thanks! :-)


Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~

FACEBOOK: – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ ~~

YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~

TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

ACTION: SAY NO to the New York Times Encouraging Torture and Violent BDSM Culture – PornHarms


Please let the New York Times know that promoting pornographic and abusive BDSM is NOT OK! You can send a letter at the link below, via Pornography Harms’ helpful form. Please don’t forget to also like, comment on, and share this post to help spread the word and get more people to speak up! Thanks! :-)



Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~

FACEBOOK: – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ ~~

YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~

TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~

Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~


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