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-Censorship. ANTI-Banning. PRO-Free Speech. ANTI-Oppression & Exploitation. PRO-Respectful & Egalitarian Sexuality.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

GOOD NEWS! We recently purchased the domain to be used as a shortcut and it no longer goes to hardcore porn ads! :-)

Previously we only owned, with a HYPHEN, but some people would omit the hyphen by mistake and they would end up at (no hyphen), which was owned by someone else, and which was being used to advertise hardcore degrading PORNOGRAPHY.

We tried for years to obtain this domain and explained the situation to the domain owner, but he was basically holding it hostage until we would cough up a very substantial amount of money. So after years of him not being willing to sell the domain we finally decided for the greater good to purchase the domain at the price requested.

So now can be used as a valid shortcut for and anyone who types it into a browser address bar will end up being routed to OUR WEBSITE, instead of arriving at a page where they would be deluged with offensive hardcore porn ads! :-) This is big success for us and we are very happy to share it with you! :-)

Please feel free to share it with others by liking, sharing and commenting on this post. ~ Many thanks to all of your for your ongoing support of this important cause! :-)

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