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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

200 Women’s Rights Groups in Europe Seek to Prohibit Purchasing of Sex, Help Prostituted Women Exit

GOOD NEWS! Women’s rights groups in Europe are saying NO to prostitution & calling for buying sex to be made illegal! This is vitally important for many reasons, as explained in the article below. Also please note that prostitution and PORNOGRAPHY are connected in multiple ways, including:

1) Pornography is a form of prostitution, it’s just filmed for others to purchase and use for sexual gratification

2) Pornography glamorizes and fuels prostitution

3) Women in prostitution are trained by pornography to learn how to behave and what to do with their “johns”

4) Many women in the porn industry openly or privately also engage in conventional prostitution as an additional source of income

So BOTH must be fought against to stop the continuous cycle of each fueling and legitimizing the harms of the other, as well as sex trafficking and sexual slavery. We can help to do this by following the excellent example of these determined women’s rights groups in Europe and joining together and taking a strong uncompromising stand against the mainstreaming and acceptance of ALL forms of sexual exploitation and abuse.

[IBTimes] — An umbrella group of women’s rights activists in Europe is calling on the European Union to illegalize prostitution across the EU.

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), on behalf of about 200 NGOs, along with Fondation Scelles and Mouvement du Nid France, told members of the European Parliament that prostitution “is a form of violence, an obstacle to equality, a violation of human dignity, and of human rights.”

Among other measures, the campaigners are seeking to remove repressive measures against prostitutes; the criminalization of all forms of procuring; the development of alternatives and exit programs for those in prostitution; the prohibition of the purchase of a sexual act; and the development of prevention policies in the countries where prostitutes originate.

“Anyone who knows anything about the reality of prostitution for the hundreds of thousands of women in Europe whom it has trapped cannot fail to endorse this call for urgent action from the EU and its member states,” said Viviane Teitelbaum, EWL’S president, in a statement.

Grégoire Théry, secretary-general of Mouvement du Nid France, declared: “We clearly see that the abolition of prostitution is a shared value across Europe. … EU policies on trafficking won’t achieve results as long as the impunity of procurers and sex-buyers is not addressed.”

The proposals have the support of at least 36 European MEPs, BBC reported.

“I am very pleased that the EWL has had the courage and foresight to initiate this campaign,” said Proinsias de Rossa, MEP.

It is high time for us to open our eyes to the reality of prostitution in our societies, and to its absolute incompatibility with the values of gender equality and human dignity that the European Union espouses and to which it is legally bound.”

The campaigners cited a number of staggering statistics related to prostitution:

*Up to 95 percent of prostitutes suffered some form of violence – including rape, incest and pedophilia — before joining the sex trade.

*90 percent of prostitutes would like to quit the business, but feel trapped in it.

*62 percent of women prostitutes reported having been raped.

*68 percent of women in prostitution suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

*A pimp earns as much as 110,000 euros ($144,000) annually per prostitute under his control.

*Up to 95 percent of prostitutes in the UK are heavy drug users.

*After the illegal drug trade, prostitution is the biggest moneymaker for global organized crime.

“The system of prostitution represents a backwater of inequality, a place where violence and oppression are thinly veiled by a distorted image of equality through commercial exchange,” said Rada Boric, executive member of EWL.

EWL further noted that in two European countries which largely decriminalized prostitution, the problems of sex workers have not eased.

For example, in the Netherlands, up to 90 percent of women employed in brothels in 2008 were victims of trafficking.

“The most important thing to understand about prostitution is that imposing sexual intercourse with money is a form of violence that shouldn’t be accepted,” EWL spokeswoman Pierrette Pape told BBC.

“If we understand that, we can then put comprehensive policies into place that will change mentalities and respect gender equality between women and men.”

READ THE REST: (And please don’t forget to like, share and comment to help educate others! Thanks!)



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