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Friday, November 30, 2012

Hunter Moore’s ‘Scary as Sh*t’ Revenge Porn Site Will Map Submitted Photos to People’s Addresses

WARNING: Revenge #porn site is being relaunched & is facilitating STALKING! NEVER share nude photos with ANYONE! ~ IT CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS! ~ Read below to learn more and please share this story to inform and warn others before they become victims of this predator and his many “fans”/potential stalkers and abusers.

[Betabeat] In an interview with Betabeat last night, infamous revenge porn peddler Hunter Moore shed some light on what his new smut submission site, HunterMoore.TV, will look like. Mr. Moore, who rose to prominence with the now-defunct revenge porn site IsAnyoneUp, intends to port all of the old content over from the original site onto the new one.

“I have nerds for days,” Mr. Moore, in New York to serve community service following a violent incident, told Betabeat last night in a Lower East Side bar. “I have nerds on nerds. I have so many secret servers. I got sh*t in Switzerland, Australia, Canada. All that stuff’s accessible, it’s just on a different domain.” He added that any content that had been legally questionable before will be gone.

“All these people that thought they were safe: nah, it’s all gonna be back,” he added.

Perhaps even more terrifying is the newest feature planned for HunterMoore.TV, which Mr. Moore said will launch anywhere from two weeks to a month from now. The submission form, which previously included fields like the person’s name, links to social media profiles and a place to upload photos, will have a new field: address. Scorned lovers who submit photos of their exes for revenge can now also enable others to physically stalk them by including their addresses along with the photos. HunterMoore.TV will then display the photos on a map.

READ THE REST OF THIS DISTURBING STORY AT THE LINK: (And please don’t forget to help out the cause and others by liking, sharing and commenting. Thanks!)



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Monday, November 19, 2012

Call For ‘Virtual’ Child Pornography To Be Legally Provided to Pedophiles Stirs Dutch Debate

WOW. Two Dutch “sexologists” have proposed that virtual #childporn INTENTIONALLY be made & provided to #pedophiles — as long as it is “made under strict government control” with a label! Thank goodness some people there have taken a firm stand against this! But disturbingly others have supported it. Hopefully their proposal will go nowhere, but it’s alarming that anyone would even take their proposal seriously for a second, as using child porn of any type does NOT “satisfy” a pedophile’s “urges” (that is the “catharsis myth”), but instead just FUELS their urges and encourages them to act out their depraved “fantasies” on REAL children! Read more below…

[Naharnet] A call by two Dutch sexologists for “virtual” child pornography to be legalized so as to assuage paedophiles’ desires has sparked fierce debate in the Netherlands.

Sexologists Rik van Lunsen and Erik van Beek of Amsterdam University Hospital (AMC) last month floated the idea of creating child pornography using drawings or computer-generated images.

“If you make virtual child pornography under strict government control with some kind of label explaining that no child was abused, you can give paedophiles a way of regulating their sexual urges,” Van Beek told Agence France Presse, calling for an enquiry or at least public debate on the issue.

Virtual child pornography — including drawings, paintings or computer-generated images — was made illegal in 2002 as rapidly developing technology made increasingly photorealistic images possible.

As with “traditional” child porn, creating, owning or sharing such images is currently punishable by up to four years in prison in the Netherlands.

“I think that repressing your fantasies can lead to frustration and, ultimately, for some types of paedophile, to a greater likelihood of doing something wrong,” Van Beek said.

Around one percent of the Dutch population of 16.5 million has paedophile preferences, mainly men, but only a tiny fraction will ever abuse children, noted the sexologist.

Many of them will moreover never feel the need to live their sexuality through child pornography.

The two sexologists’ suggestion sparked fierce debate in Dutch media, blogs and discussion forums, as the idea has turned out to be controversial even in the free-thinking Netherlands.

For former parliament speaker Gerdi Verbeet, “it’s really not a good idea”.

“It would be an enormous responsibility for the government,” she said during a debate on public television, noting that it might also be impossible to tell the virtual images from the real.

– “How realistic should the images be?” –

Crime journalist Peter de Vries said during the same debate that the proposal “could work”, but that the potential problems were many.

“How far should it go? How realistic should the images be?” he asked.

Internet discussion forums overflowed with mostly critical comments, from “Don’t do this to our children!” to asking why paedophiles don’t just use their imagination.

“The proposal isn’t really pertinent and for some people it will certainly increase the likelihood of going through with it (sexual abuse),” warned psychotherapist Jules Mulder of the De Waag clinic.





"Child pornography is the theory, molestation is the practice."
— Jenkins, 2001, p. 4

"We live in a culture which sexualizes children and infantilizes grown women for the gratification of men."
— Anderson, 1989, p. 7

"The increased demand for child pornography directly translates into an increased number of sexual[ly] [sic] abused children."
--- Crimmins, 1995, p. 2

"If it wasn’t for the Internet I would have never known. I think as the Internet grows, more people will find out their sexual desires just as I did."
— Message posted on a child pornography board by “Dad” -- Jenkins, 2001, p. 23


Here is a reference on why the "catharsis theory" is unsubstantiated," by Diana E. H. Russell, Ph.D., one of our founding and current Board members:


Many still believe that exposure to pornography is cathartic or provides “a release of wishes, desires or drives such that they do not have to be acted on in reality” (Kelly, Wingfield, & Regan, 1995, p. 23). It is important to critique the catharsis theory before launching into Russell’s opposing theory. Similarly, it is important to review existing research on men’s propensity to sexually victimize children. This section provides a brief analysis of both topics.


According to the catharsis theory, the repeated exposure of males to pornography “leads to a steadily decreasing interest” in the material (Bart & Jozsa, 1980, p. 210). This exposure is frequently described as a “safety valve.” As applied to child pornography, this theory assumes that repeated viewing of child pornography decreases viewers’ desire for sex with children. Hence, according to this theory, viewers of child pornography should be less likely to sexually victimize children.

The very influential but poorly designed experiment of Howard, Reifler, and Liptzin is widely cited as proof of the validity of catharsis theory (Diamond, 1980; Howard, Reifler, & Liptzin, 1991). Howard et al.’s experiment was based on a small sample of 23 white college males and 9 comparable controls. The researchers exposed the subjects and controls to a pornographic movie, then tested both groups for sexual arousal. The subjects were then exposed to adult pornography for 90 minutes a day for 15 days, whereas the controls viewed two non-pornographic movies over the same period. Twenty of the 23 subjects were then shown a third pornographic movie. Howard et al. (1991) found that “all subjects reported being initially stimulated” by the pornography, followed by “a marked decrease in interest in pornography as a result of the exposure” (p. 111).

It is important to note that the “subjects’ choice of pornography was severely limited” (Zillmann, 1989, p. 130). Hence, Howard et al.’s experiment only showed that a tiny sample of males became bored when exposed over time to a limited choice of material. Despite this, many pro-pornography advocates point to Howard et al.’s conclusion that all “legal restrictions to the availability of pornography” should be removed (p. 127). Indeed, this was one of the experiments on which the 1970 Commission on Obscenity and Pornography based its identical conclusion.

Zillmann and Bryant (1986) conducted an experiment based on 160 subjects that demonstrated the invalidity of Howard et al.’s conclusion. They recruited two samples: a student sample that included an equal number of males and females randomly drawn from undergraduate directories at two midwestern universities; and a nonstudent sample of males and females “drawn via random-digit dialing, with proportional sampling within all metropolitan exchanges” (p. 563). Zillmann and Bryant’s sample consisted of 20 subjects in each experimental condition.

Zillmann and Bryant gave both their male and female subjects a greater range of pornography to view than the limited materials available to the subjects in Howard et al.’s experiment. These researchers found that the subjects’ boredom after repeatedly viewing the same pornographic material motivated them to switch to viewing different and more extreme pornography, such as material involving the infliction of pain, violent pornography, and “uncommon or unusual sexual practices,” including bondage, sadomasochism and bestiality (Zillmann & Bryant, 1986, p. 577). Howard et al. had failed to consider this possibility, resulting in their invalid conclusion.

Although masturbation is not addressed in the experiments of Howard et al. and Zillmann and Bryant, this is a major goal of pornography. The ejaculatory pleasure obtained from masturbation intensifies the association between it and the pornography viewed, a theory confirmed by considerable experimental research (Cline, 1974; Osanka & Johann, 1989). Most males consider masturbation a very inferior alternative to sex with the type of individuals they desire. Thus, viewers may desire to act out the sexual acts depicted in pornography. For this reason and others, researchers have concluded that catharsis theory is clearly not substantiated (Sommers & Check, 1987).

Research aside, common sense and rationality unequivocally challenge the catharsis theory. Very few people would likely support a proposal to solve the problem of parents physically beating their children by having them watch movies that show parents battering and torturing their children. Why is it only in the case of misogynistic pornography that so many individuals—including a handful of researchers—believe that exposure dissipates the problem? The plain inconsistency and irrationality of the catharsis theory suffice to dismiss the notion that pornography serves as a “safety valve."

~~ From the section, "Overview of Pornography and Child Sexual Abuse," from the book "Exposure to Pornography as a Cause of Child Sexual Victimization. -- Available online in full at the below link:


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Friday, November 16, 2012

LA County’s Measure B is a major win for safe sex in adult entertainment – by Gail Dines

Check out this great article by Gail Dines (@GailDines) about the recent success of condoms in porn being required — despite massive efforts by the porn industry to stop the ballot measure in favor of this. Gail’s article is very informative and inspirational and it shows how committed activists CAN make a difference by helping to clean up the greedy, corrupt and exploitative porn industry!

[The Guardian] As an anti-porn feminist academic and activist, I am often accused of being in bed with the right. Well, the time has officially come for the pro-porn camp to stop worrying about my bedmates, because they seem to be the ones who are cosying up to some very strange bedfellows indeed.

Who, for example, would have believed that the pornographers would end up in the same corner as the Los Angeles County Republican Women’s Federation? This was just one of the groups, along with the Los Angeles County Republican party, that supported the porn industry’s efforts to stop the Los Angeles County ballot initiative that would require condoms to be used for vaginal and anal sex in porn films shot in the county. Known as Measure B, and authored by the Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF), this initiative also requires porn film producers to obtain public health permits. Repeated failure to do so could result in civil fines or misdemeanor charges.

Even though there was a massive campaign against this measure – orchestrated by the porn industry and supported by business organizations such as the San Gabriel Valley Legislative Coalition of Chambers of Commerce and the Valley Industry and Commerce Association (Vica), which proudly boasts that it “promotes a pro-business agenda” – the measure passed on 6 November, with 55.9% of the vote.

It is worth noting that some of the “premier partners” of Vica include Chase Bank, Walmart, Southwest Airlines and Vons (a Safeway company). With friends like these, it is clear that the pornographers’ carefully crafted image as a bunch of cool, hip, renegade artists at the cutting edge of protecting our fantasies and freedoms is bogus. They are in bed with the big boys of American capitalism, and the fact that a non-profit group such as AHF won is a rare instance in this country of David beating Goliath.

It’s no surprise that the mainstream media has virtually ignored this, because it shows just how a well-organized, committed and dedicated group of activists can fight and win against corporate power.

READ THE FULL STORY AT THE LINK: (And please don’t forget to like, comment, and share! Thanks!)



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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Japan Sees Surge in Aspiring Adult Film Actresses Over Decade, “6000 Girls Debut Every Year”

Wow! #Porn is REALLY mainstreamed in Japan now! “It’s just like applying for a part-time job at a convenience store”. Ouch! And apparently so many young women are applying to be in porn that they are turning many of them down! Wow. This is fortunate of course for the ones who are turned down, but it’s so sad for the many thousands per year who are “accepted”… :-( Read more below…

[Rocket News] The Japanese sex film, or adult video (AV), industry is big business. It’s said that around 20,000 videos are released annually and some Japanese AV actresses have achieved celebrity status even outside of Japan.

And it’s not just demand for Japanese skin flicks that’s thriving.

According to nonfiction writer Atsuhiko Nakamura, who has published several books based on interviews with AV actresses, the number of Japanese women seeking work in the adult video industry has increased dramatically over the past decade, with some 6000 girls making their debut every year.

Atsuhiko Nakamura has interviewed over 500 AV actresses and made headlines in Japan for casting light on the dark side of the AV industry with his bestselling book, “Namae no nai Onna-tachi” (“The Nameless Women”).

“Actresses come and go every day and it’s likely that there are about that many [6000] women in the industry at all times,” explained Nakamura during a recent investigative television program.

“Until the late-90s, a lot of people said they wouldn’t appear in an AV even if they were paid ten million yen (about US $128,000), but that rapidly changed over the decade and now normal girls are rushing for a chance to make it into any kind of production.”

While there were always spots open for amateurs in the 90s, now it’s said only 15 out of 100 aspiring actresses can get a role and the rest are turned away at the door. It’s just like applying for a part-time job at a convenience store.”




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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Check out our new photo from Facebook! November 13, 2012 at 02:06AM

Yay! Facebook page has made it to 1,000 supporters! :-) Many thanks to each & every good person who has taken the time to like this Page or to support our organization or this cause in any way at all. Your support and contributions are very much appreciated, and with your continued help hopefully it won’t be too long before we make it to 10,000 supporters, then 100,000, then one million, and so on. ;-)

Please remember that this cause is a TEAM EFFORT, and that the only way we will make a serious impact in preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sex slavery is if we all do everything we can. :-) So please don’t be shy about speaking up about this cause to help educate everyone you know about the importance of it. Thanks! :-)

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Proposition 35 Sex Trafficking Measure Passes in California

MORE GREAT NEWS! California voters said YES to Prop 35: CASE Act 2012 to increase penalties for sex traffickers! ~ Yay team!! :-) Read more below, and please don’t forget to like, comment and share! Thanks!

[Neon Tommy] Proposition 35, or the Californians Against Sexual Exploitation Act, is designed to make sweeping changes to the state’s laws on human trafficking.

It will increase prison terms for human traffickers, require convicted sex traffickers to register as sex offenders, require all registered sex offenders to disclose their internet accounts and require criminal fines from convicted human traffickers to help cover the cost of services for victims.

Child sex traffickers who use force could face life terms for their crimes. Currently, such a crime is punishable with a maximum eight-year sentence.

Trafficking fines would increase to up to $1.5 million. The current cap is $100,000.

Proposition 35 will also expand human trafficking to include the creation and distribution of child pornography.

Backers of the Proposition said it would bring the severity of punishments up to the same level as federal cases and it would protect the public from traffickers by requiring them to register as sex offenders.

“California should be a leader, like our state is on countless other issues, and Prop. 35 will help make that possible,” Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) said in an article she wrote for the Huffington Post. “It will send a message to traffickers that California is determined to put an end to this horrific crime and help protect victims.”

According to the FBI, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego are among the country’s 13 highest child sex trafficking areas. A 2011 study by the Shared Hope International and American Center for Law and Justice gave California an “F” for its poor child sex trafficking laws.

The Proposition was endorsed by Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and numerous law enforcement organizations and advocacy groups.

Leading the charge behind Proposition 35 was Daphne Phung, a former financial analyst who quit her job to work on the issue full time.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Phung became inspired to fight sex trafficking after watching a documentary about the issue on Valentine’s Day three years ago.

“I’m from Vietnam, a country where people don’t trust the law to protect them,” Phung told the Times. She said that the documentary “challenged my faith and belief in America as the country that claims to provide freedom and equal protection for everyone.”

As of Nov. 3 the “Yes on 35″ campaign raised approximately $3.7 million.

Over $2 million of that money is from Chris Kelly, Facebook’s former privacy chief who ran unsuccessfully for attorney general of California in 2010. He also helped draft the Proposition.

The rest of the money raised is from law enforcement associations, teachers associations and some individual private donors.




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Supporters confident in passage of measure requiring condoms in porn

Great news! LA County voters decided overwhelmingly to Vote YES on B & require mandatory condom use in porn shoots! ~ Somehow porn consumers will have to survive the terrible burden of actually seeing people take precautions to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases. Perhaps this will remind viewers that porn performers are actual human beings, and that engaging in sex with people for a living, or even in real life, can have very serious health risks if responsible precautions aren’t taken when they should be.

[LA Times] A measure that would require porn performers to wear condoms while filming in Los Angeles County was way ahead in early returns Tuesday, and supporters said they were confident that it would pass.

“There is no question about the fact that it is going to win and win handily,” said AIDS Healthcare Foundation President Michael Weinstein. “This is a major referendum on the subject of safer sex.”

The measure is sponsored by the foundation, which has been pushing for years to protect adult film performers from HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

The cost of the law would be paid for by porn producers, who would have to purchase a public health permit, much like tattoo parlors. Violators would be subject to fines and misdemeanor criminal charges.

Weinstein said the question now is whether the adult film industry and the county government will cooperate.

“We have shown our resolve that we are not going to give up on this issue,” he said. “Now that the people have spoken so overwhelmingly, it is the responsibility for the Board of Supervisors and the county Health Department to act immediately to enforce this law.”

Supporters of Measure B have cast the issue as one that protects worker safety — like requiring construction workers to wear hard hats — and keeps the public safe from disease.

Opponents say they don’t want the creation of an unwanted, ineffective county bureaucracy. They say the industry should be trusted to police itself, and that performers are regularly tested for disease.

They also say that consumers do not want to buy pornography in which condoms are used.



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Monday, November 5, 2012

Citing Public Health Concerns, Measure B Aims to Require Condoms on All LA County Porn Shoots.

Don’t forget to Vote YES on B to require #porn performers in LA County to wear condoms to protect EVERYONE’S health!

~ Please read, like and share the article below, and if you live in Los Angeles County in California make sure that you tell all your friends and acquaintances to vote YES on Measure B also. This is a public health issue for EVERYONE, as unprotected porn performers who get infected with diseases sometimes also have unprotected sex with others OUTSIDE the industry, which puts general public health at risk as well.

[] On Nov. 6, voters will get a chance to expand a Los Angeles city ordinance mandating condom use on adult film sets to include pornographic performers throughout LA county.

Measure B would require adult film actors throughout the county, which includes the San Fernando Valley, the so-called porn capital of the world, to wear prophylactics during on-screen vaginal or anal intercourse.

The measure has been highly publicized, with much of the public advertising supporting the Yes on B campaign.

Throughout the city, billboards declare “YES on B.” And inflatable signs urging passersby to support the measure have been erected on the roofs of AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) offices, the measure’s sole financial backer.

As of Nov. 2, AHF had raised $1,654,681 in support of the measure, according to the latest campaign finance reports.

Opposition to the measure has been comparatively silent, at least publicly. Measure B’s opponents have held fundraising parties and took to the Internet in the form of public service announcements — some satirical — to plead their case.

According to finance reports, the No on B campaign has raised about $118,800, with major funding coming from four porn producers. Some $75,000 has come from Manwin, a global adult entertainment company based in Luxembourg.

Larry Flynt’s Flynt Management Group of Beverly Hills, Vivid Entertainment Industry of Los Angeles and Phe Inc. have each poured $10,000 into the campaign against Measure B.

In March, Los Angeles became the first city in the nation to require male adult film actors to wear condoms on all film shoots that receive a city permit. Measure B seeks to extend that law countywide.

If passed, the new law would require producers of adult films to obtain a public health permit from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, which could be revoked or suspended if county inspectors found on-set violations of the new law.

According to the measure, anyone on set found to be in violation of the law can be fined up to $1,000, jailed up to six months, or both, adding that each violation found will be punishable as a separate offense.

Producers would have to apply for the permits, prove they completed a training course on blood-borne pathogens and submit a plan for exposure control before they could receive a permit.

The measure cites safer sex practices as the prime method for halting the spread of HIV/AIDS, adding that the “ongoing epidemic of sexually transmitted infections as a result of the making of adult films, has caused a negative impact on the public health and quality of life of citizens living in Los Angeles County.”

Actors and producers of adult films vehemently reject that charge, citing data from the state and local health departments that show a declining rate of HIV/AIDS among residents (see graph published by the Los Angeles County Dept. of Health).

Adult film actress Tera Patrick and porn-industry legend Ron Jeremy came out against the measure in a minute-long video posted on the site adultbizlaw(dot)com.

In the announcement, the pair echoes the major sentiment supporting the No on B campaign, namely that actors are required to test monthly for STD’s and HIV, and the adult film industry’s economic role in the county is too important to impose regulations that could stunt business.

Measure B is not the first attempt to enforce protection on adult film sets, and opponents of the measure say precedent proves an across-the-board rule on condom use can be detrimental.

Spurred by reports that at least three adult film actresses tested positive for HIV, in 1998, pornography producers required actors to wear condoms on set. That, Measure B opponents say, had devastating consequences: the industry sustained a 30 percent drop in film sales.

Still, proponents of Measure B say adult-film stars are not an isolated community. And because actors can have sexual partners outside of work, condom use of the set has become a public health issue.

Because most STD’s are silent – meaning they can only be detected through screening and show no symptoms – screening may not be the most effective way to keep actors and the public safe, according to the county health department.

In August, porn production was halted during a syphillis outbreak. Actors were barred from returning to the set until they received antibiotics and tested clean for the infection, as is the protocol among producers.

A report published in 2008 by the LA County Department of Public Health found that up to a quarter of all performers are diagnosed with at least one infection of chlamydia and or gonorrhea every year.

Annual STD rates in the adult-film industry were between 15 and 25 percent between 2000 and 2008 for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Compared to all LA County residents, that’s 34 and 60 times greater respectively.

Eight pornographic actors were diagnosed with HIV while in the industry between 2004 and 2010, the county reported. Half of them were infected during an adult-film production, according to the report which includes a recommendation that all porn performers wear condoms.

Those figures should be considered a minimum estimate, the department noted, because divulging one’s occupation when reporting HIV is not required.




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Saturday, November 3, 2012

On 50 Shades of Grey and the Erotization of Male Domination – by @SmashestheP via

Check out this GREAT analysis of #50ShadesofGrey by @SmashestheP which describes how harmful it is in so many ways!

[] “Freedom is slavery. Submissiveness is empowering. BDSM erotica is feminist.” The above are just a few of the lies that patriarchal culture has served up for women in the best selling BDSM novel 50 Shades of Grey.

First-time female novelist E L James began the piece as short fan fiction based off of the Twilight series whose main relationship between a 104 year old vampire and a teenage girl meets all the criteria for domestic violence.

Given its source material, it’s not surprising that 50 Shades of Grey and its sequels tells the story of a billionaire who convinces a young woman to agree to be his full time sex slave.

E L James’ story is not new.

The Story of O is a BDSM novel published in 1954. It details the “training”, sexual degradation, and final suicide of a woman named O (Woman Hating Andrea Dworkin p 55-63). The book was written by a woman and, similar to 50 Shades of Grey, documents female enjoyment of male domination.

In our male-dominated culture, women are socialized to enjoy being dominated sexually. As Womon On a Journey says, “The cultural of women-hatred f*cks with ALL of our brains, so that we really have no idea as women what our desires would be in a sex-equal society.”

Given this fact, what are we to make of the fact that some women enjoy fantasies of being dominated?

The enjoyment these women feel is described by Dee Graham in her book Loving to Survive as Societal Stockholm Syndrome. Because women as a group cannot escape from men, we have found ways of dealing with their violent and destructive behavior. We eroticize it, and internalize the desire for it. As Cherry Blossom Life says, “Perhaps when women talk about the empowerment of submissiveness, they are actually talking about the power of the double bluff: “You want to hurt me? Screw you; you’ll never hurt me more than I want to be hurt myself.””

By “choosing” to enjoy male-dominant sex, women are able to develop a sense of power, however limited.

BDSM practitioners often engage in a classic patriarchal reversal. That is, they claim that they are actually an oppressed group in society who lose social power due to their kinky sex practices. They claim that non-practitioners, that is, those whose sexual practices do not involve explicit domination and submission, have “vanilla privilege“, which means that non-BDSM practitioners oppress them.

Radical feminists see that since all our desires occur within a patriarchal context wherein women are submissive and men are dominant, the explicit enactment of this dynamic in the bedroom is in direct conformity to male-centric sexual norms. We recognize the framing of BDSM as” transgressive” as a patriarchal reversal (where the opposite of what is being claimed is actually what is true). In fact, BDSM practices actively oppress women.

Note that I am not blaming these women for attempting to carve out space for female agency in an exceptionally coercive, abusive, and traumatic patriarchal society. Nor am I blaming the women who buy and read 50 Shades of Grey, or as it has come to be known, mommy porn. Rather, I am analyzing the context under which this glorification and erotization of male domination has become an outlet for female sexuality.


Also please like, share, and comment on this post in order to help spread the word about the harms of BDSM and “Fifty Shades of Grey”. And please LIKE RadFem HUB’s Facebook Page to help support them and their excellent work such as the above! Thanks! :-)


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Post created by Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~

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