Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
NEW DOCUMENTARY– ‘Hot Girls Wanted’ goes inside the amateur porn industry — and exposes exploitation
The creators of the ‘Sexy Baby’ documentary on porn’s harms to teens have now premiered the ‘Hot Girls Wanted’ documentary’ — about the exploitative world of teen amateur porn:
The insightful look at the world of pornography shows just how easy it is for teenagers, in particular, to get caught up in a sex trade that promises big bucks and fame.
But in a revealing peek into the billion dollar industry, documentary filmmakers exposed how professionally produced films are being made to look like home movies. …
It showed how Craigslist ads which promised free flights to Miami bring in a constant stream of would-be porn stars.
During the film, Riley, a 23-year-old ‘agent’ hosts half a dozen young women eager to enter the industry at his Miami home.
He says casually: ‘Every day, another girl turns 18.’
But the brutal world of pornography only gives girls aged 18- to 21 a career span that typically lasts just three months, due to high turnover.
Tressa, an 18-year-old girl featured in the film, admits she was attracted to porn as a way to escape her Texas hometown.”
Ouch. That’s a sad state of affairs. :-(
And by the way, if porn is so great and “empowering,” why is the career-span of these young women only three months?? Very telling…
“Sexy Baby” was a very good documentary and we’re looking forward to seeing and sharing this new effort by these excellent filmmakers who are doing such a great job exposing the harms of pornography. Go anti-porn team! :-)
FULL ARTICLE: (and video)
~ Visit the website for the documentary!
~ Check out and like the Facebook page for this new documentary!
~ Follow ‘Hot Girls Wanted’ at Twitter!
~ Here’s an excellent article on the “Hot Girls Wanted” film and another important documentary that just debuted at Sundance about epidemic rape on college campuses:
Exactly! Thanks to the filmmakers for telling it like it is and helping to educate the masses!
~ Watch “Sexy Baby” documentary on iTunes!
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Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
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5:52 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Thursday, January 29, 2015
DOES SEX ED CONFERENCE FOR STUDENTS GO TOO FAR? It teaches teens to use PORN, virtual sex, and meth!
We support comprehensive and age appropriate sex education, but we do NOT support teaching CHILDREN to use PORNOGRAPHY or ILLEGAL DRUGS, like this “adolescent sexuality conference” does! ~~
“When you press a certain command, it tells her to perform various sexual acts, um, and so that was very disturbing,” she said.
Audio of keynote speaker Silverberg giving detailed directions on how to make an avatar for virtual sex.
“You can program her to do whatever you want to say, if you don’t want to say, ‘give me a blow job or something,” said Silverberg. […]
“All kinds of speakers about Internet porn, using Internet sex toys, using meth as is shown in this book for when you’re engaging in sex. It encourages using meth because it helps your sexual drive and what not in here,” said Maloney. “It says in this booklet that was handed out and given out to all young people.”
~~ Yikes! Very disturbing, don’t you think?? No wonder we have a problem with epidemic pornography use, abuse, and addiction (both of porn and drugs) — if even EDUCATORS are mainstreaming porn and drugs by endorsing them to TEENS! Note that this conference is being partially paid for by tax-payer dollars. 0-0!
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6:09 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
VICTIM: Viewing child porn isn’t harmless. Viewers “are dads, brothers, sons. This could be your sister”
Here’s a powerful testimonial from a young woman who was just one of many teen victims of pornographic extortion — by a very sick man who ruined many girls’ lives.
For victims, she said, “it’s psychologically damaging. It’s not fair. People think victims of child pornography are not touched. It’s not like rape. It’s just overlooked. … They don’t realize what we’re doing when we have to send those pictures. We’re doing it ourselves. We’re forced to. … We could not say no.”
Reynolds said the people who look at the pictures “are dads and brothers and sons.” She wants to tell them, “This could be your sister.”
They are creating the demand, the marketplace that is being catered to by the child pornography producers and extortionists.
“You’re contributing to it. You can’t be a law-abiding citizen if you’re contributing to extortion,” Reynolds said. “People send out those pictures and make them public because of people who view them.”
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Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
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8:47 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Man Who Held Sex Slave Captive for 6 Years Sentenced to 20 Years. PORN used to groom victim into BDSM
Practicing BDSM often leads to SEVERE ABUSE: A mentally disabled teen girl was imprisoned, trafficked and tortured — for SIX YEARS — by a couple who pimped her out for profit to other sadists for their sick sexual pleasure.
First she was groomed with pornography, as is often the case with sexual abuse victims:
Then she was imprisoned and tortured — sometimes for just for personal gratification, and sometimes being pimped out or turned into live pornography so others could take sexual pleasure in her suffering:
“The girl allegedly suffered water-boarding, electric shock, piercing and mutilation, according to the Kansas City Star.
Four other men have been charged for allegedly paying Bagley to have sex with his ‘slave’ and to watch webcam sessions of her being tortured.”
Clearly sadomasochism, pornography, prostitution and sex trafficking are all very closely related, and if one is against any one of them, one needs to take a stand against ALL of them.
READ THE REST of this tragic story that demonstrates the truly horrific harms of pornography and sadomasochism. WARNING – GRAPHIC AND DISTURBING!
B = Bondage
D = Domination, Dominance, Discipline
S = Sadism, Sadist, Submission, Submissive, Slave
M = Masochism, Master
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Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
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6:50 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Monday, January 19, 2015
“Retired Porn Star Sunset Thomas Escapes Life of Prostitution” – Nevada brothel existence “prison-like”
Here’s a powerful, heartbreaking, but inspirational story of ex porn performer “Sunset Thomas” (@SunsetThomas) — who was in the porn industry for decades, (she made over 200 films), and who also worked for years in Nevada’s legal brothels.
Now known by her real name Diane, this article shares her story, describing the horrific toll that the sex industry took on her because of how she was so used and abused by the men in her life. (Mostly personally, but sometimes professionally, as those worlds were often connected.) It also shares how incredibly difficult it was for Diane to leave the sex trade.
“I’m finally out,” Thomas said. “I was tired of the stress and people forcing me to do things I don’t want to do. I’m tired of people trying to pressure me to keep doing it when I don’t have to do it. I want to live a normal life like everyone else.” […]
“The conditions at the brothel where she was working were prison-like with two week, 24/7 lockdowns,” Dr. Martin said. “It was an existence for her that became more and more unbearable, mentally and physically. She wanted to leave, but the money she was making for them was an incentive for them to keep her in it.” […]
Stanley [Diane’s mother] said it was difficult to hear her daughter say over and over again she didn’t want to live that kind of life anymore.
“I heard her cry and say she did not want to do these things,” Stanley said. “But no one would help, until Robert (Martin). She and Robert had been friends for a long time and when she called and asked him for help he went and got her, but she was nearly dead.”
Stanley was referring to Thomas’ poor state of health when Martin retrieved her from Las Vegas, where she had gone into hiding after being beaten and injured by someone she declined to immediately identify. After rescuing Thomas from a bad situation, Dr. Martin nursed her back to health, Thomas’ mother said.”
READ THIS FULL, INSPIRATIONAL, AND MOVING STORY AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share to spread the word and support the cause. Thanks! :-))
NOTE: For some reason the reporter inserted a random short section in the middle of the article that shares a bishop’s opinion on women leaving the sex industry. While everyone is free to practice any faith or none as they choose, Diane has written on her Twitter account that she is spiritual and not religious, so she’s not following the religious aspects of the path that this bishop advises, who is someone who is not connected to Diane.
And to be clear, women in the sex industry are *exploited* by pimps, johns, husbands and boyfriends, etc. So those who are committing the greatest transgressions (“sins”, per the bishop) are not the women in prostitution, who are usually just trying desperately to survive, but the (almost always) MALE EXPLOITERS. It is these men — not the women they’ve exploited — who should be seeking “redemption”, by coming clean and making amends, etc. The bishop does provide some other solid advice, though, about exited women finding a new set of friends for support, who aren’t in the sex industry.
In any case, we wish Diane all the best with whatever path she chooses to take from here on out that helps her to heal and prosper in her new and healthier life.
Go Diane! Well done on your new life! We support you and are grateful for you sharing your story to inform, help, and inspire others! :-)
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Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
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6:37 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Saturday, January 17, 2015
A teenager has PORN-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. Boy forced to watch porn. New mental illness diagnosed
Porn exposure can be VERY harmful to children, as this tragic story of a teen boy almost driven to SUICIDE shows.
~ Lei Chung, 16, from China, had to share a bedroom with his parents
~ Says his father would watch pornographic films every night
~ Even if he covered his eyes, he could still hear the sound from the TV
~ The images have haunted him ever since and he tried to commit suicide
~ Has now been diagnosed a ‘new’ form of post-traumatic stress disorder
~ Chinese doctors have termed it ‘PORN TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER’
Wow. We feel very badly for this young man, and for all of the many children and others globally who also suffer from ‘porn traumatic stress disorder.’
We can say from personal experience that this condition is very real, and can affect adults as well, especially women, as a result of being exposed to the extreme violence, cruelty and misogyny in pornography.
We urge parents to do everything they can to keep pornography away from their children, and we urge all women and everyone else to also avoid pornography as much as possible, and to speak out against it instead.
On our Facebook post about this issue, Cynthia Shaver wrote: “As a professional counselor, I can attest to this. I currently have two teenage female clients who show these symptoms.” (11/10/14)
~ So, has anyone else ever experienced PORN-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or know anyone who has? Please speak up if you have. Thanks!
~ For parents wanting to learn more about pornography’s harms to children, and how to protect them, we recommend checking out and supporting Enough Is Enough and Pornproof Kids
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Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
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5:25 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Friday, January 16, 2015
“Porn Is Not Empowering” — by Kelsey Ruane, Anti-Porn Feminist — (via XOJane – “Unpopular Opinion”)
Here’s a powerful new article that explains how there’s nothing “sex positive” or “empowering” about pornography! ~~
It’s time for a true sexual revolution, and the last place we’ll get this is from the pornographers.
~ That’s for sure!
By the way, stating that pornography is not empowering may be an “UNpopular” opinion at XOJANE where this article was published, and where the “Duke Freshman” teen porn performer Belle Knox has had several of her pro-porn articles published, but it’s a very POPULAR opinion around here, and in many other communities!
Many thanks to Kelsey Ruane for having the courage and integrity to speak up with the TRUTH about the horrific harms of pornography, no matter how “unpopular” it may be.
Read the rest of this excellent article below.
WARNING! Very graphic and disturbing content!
NOTE: The outspoken author of the above article has an equally outspoken feminist blog at Tumblr, where she posts a great deal of informative anti-porn and related content. Kelsey also answers a lot of interesting questions about pornography harms submitted by her readers. So if you’re at Tumblr, we recommend that you follow her.
WARNING: Her blog shares the hardcore truth about pornography, so it does contain a lot of graphic and disturbing content.
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Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
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5:23 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
“Porn and domestic violence: NSW Police says respect for women from young men crucial”
It’s encouraging that the links between pornography and domestic violence are getting some much deserved exposure, with some helpful solutions being proposed!
“Pornography sets up the expectations of what a man should expect from a woman. Pornography is typically about men doing whatever is it is they want to do to women.”
He said the service, which offered confidential telephone counselling for men with violent urges, often received calls about domestic violence stemming form unrealistic sexual expectations.
And these were often created by pornography.
READ THE REST OF THIS EXCELLENT ARTICLE AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share to spread the word and support the cause. Thanks!)
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Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
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5:24 PM
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Saturday, January 10, 2015
“The U.S. Loves Lesbian Porn, and Other Highlights from Pornhub’s Year in Review Stats” – via BetaBeat
Pornhub’s 2014 stats are in and unsurprisingly the news is not good. “Teen” remains the top search term globally. ~~
Other “lowlights” include:
1) Pornhub got 78.9 billion views in 2014, up from 63.2 billion in 2013.
2) 45% of Pornhub’s 2014 traffic came from mobile phones, compared to 44% from desktop computers, and 11% percent from tablets.
3) The top 20 2014 porn search terms also include “babysitter” (equivalent to “teen” in most cases), and the incest-focused terms “step mom” and “step sister.”
Ouch! :-(
If you’re up to learning more disturbing facts about the porn-watching habits of hundreds of millions of people around the world, (mostly men), many of whom are apparently watching porn in public spaces around all of us on phones and tablets (and likely laptops), check out the full article below.
For the record, the “lesbian” porn that is being increasingly searched for and watched is not actually pornography made of real lesbians. Read the below article by our volunteer, ex porn performer Vanessa Belmond to learn more.
Also it is just as harmful to the performers and others.
To be clear, “lesbian” pornography is almost always two straight women pretending to have “lesbian sex” for the viewing pleasure of men, in a way that matches the delusional fantasies of men. It is just as problematic and sexist as heterosexual pornography. More info on this topic is at our page on it here:
If anyone knows of any other good references on this topic, please let us know, so we can add them to this page. Thanks!
One other point to consider, regarding both “lesbian” and gay male pornography…
Exactly! For more excellent quotes about the harms of pornography by Gloria Steinem, please check out the below page at our website:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Something CAN be done to counter this global catastrophe that is fueling epidemic sex trafficking and violence against women and children, but only if enough people step up to educate others and to fight pornography, or at least support the few hard-working anti-porn organizations we have by donating and volunteering.
Combating the global harms of pornography and sexual exploitation is a HUGE job, as clearly we’re up against many MILLIONS of people who support them. So we need an equally large army of people who are willing to work just as hard to eliminate pornography and sex trade use and harms as the number of people who use, support and profit from them. So please do your part. Your efforts and support are needed!
Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~
FACEBOOK: AntiPornography.org – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation ~~
YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~ SafeHealthySexNLove ~~
TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~@ExPornStarVLB ~~
Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
Please make a tax-deductible donation to support the cause if you’re able to. Thanks!

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6:54 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
All That Is Necessary for Evil to Triumph Is for Good People to Do Nothing (So say NO to pornography!)
Hello 2015! :-)
We’d like to thank all good people who did everything they could in 2014 to help humanity — especially those who fought against the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery. We hope that more people will step up and do their part for this important cause this year.
The future of millions of lives of those who are being brutally exploited, abused and enslaved depends on what each and every person does or doesn’t do to help, and we are ALL equally responsible for helping as much as we can. It’s not up to “the government”, a few overworked volunteers, a handful of underfunded organizations, or “somebody else” to do the work to make things better. It’s up to ALL OF US. So we hope everyone will take heed of this and act accordingly.
In case you missed it, here is our year-ending newsletter, with lots of inspiring successes that our organization accomplished in 2014 in changing people’s lives and humanity for the better!
Want to start the New Year off right by doing something for a good cause? Then please donate to help us do more in 2015 to help others!
If you’d like to really step up to make a difference in 2015, mature, responsible and hard-working volunteers from North America with good English language skills are always needed!
Best wishes for a great 2014 to all good supporters, humanitarians, volunteers, donors, and hard-working activists everywhere! :-)
~~ The Team at AntiPornography.org
A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~
FACEBOOK PAGE: AntiPornography.org – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation ~~
YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~
TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~
Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~

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5:00 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Monday, January 5, 2015
Google Has Tagged A Vast Database Of Child Porn Images — Making Them Impossible To See
It’s great to see Google using their power and resources to do something so productive to combat child pornography!
The BBC reports that “digital fingerprints” of known child sex abuse photographs, identified and compiled by a UK charity called the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), will be used to generate flags that prevent browsers from accessing them. […]
“This is important because every single image or video is of a real child being sexually abused and every time someone views that image or video that child is re-victimised.”
Exactly! Go Google! We hope many others follow this lead and do their *own* part to end all forms of sexual abuse, but in particular online child sexual abuse. (Aka “child pornography.”)
READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE AT THE LINK BELOW: (And please don’t forget to like, comment and share. Thanks!)
Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~
FACEBOOK: AntiPornography.org – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation ~~
YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~ SafeHealthySexNLove ~~
TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~@ExPornStarVLB ~~
Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
Please make a tax-deductible donation to support the cause if you’re able to. Thanks!

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5:16 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
AntiPornography.org 2014 Annual Report. Inspiring Successes! Call for year-ending deductible donations!
ANNUAL REPORT AND CALL FOR YEAR-ENDING DONATIONS! :-) There’s still time to make an anti-porn contribution for 2014! It’s tax-deductible! ~ Doing so will help us do more much-needed and important work to reach and help humanity in 2015!
1) We posted 21 new videos at our 8 YouTube channels!
2) Our videos got over 1.5 million views this year, and all of our videos combined have now surpassed over 15 MILLION VIEWS!
3) Our 8 YouTube channels now have over 15,000 subscribers!
4) Our main YouTube channel became an official YouTube Nonprofit channel!
5) We facilitated Jessica Mendes speaking out about her harmful experiences doing porn by arranging two radio interviews for her, a video interview with The Mindful Habit, an interview for an upcoming book by UK feminist Kat Banyard, and a powerful speech at Arizona State University! (With over 265,000 views in just 7 months!) All are posted on her page at our website:
6) We got two articles by sex industry survivors Cameron Adams (Bay) and Alexandra M. published online at the online magazine Ravishly, and they were later also published at the Huffington Post:
7) We surpassed over 23,000 followers at our 8 Twitter accounts, and have posted over 8,000 tweets since we started our first account 5 years ago!
8) We gained many new supporters and informed many people about the harms of pornography at our WordPress and Tumblr blogs, and our other social networking sites at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+!
9) We got some great new volunteers, including awesome Taylor, who presented an excellent speech at NYU, and wrote a powerful essay about why he’s a man against pornography and prostitution!
10) One of our volunteers presented a successful speech at Eastern Connecticut State University!
11) We had almost 200,000 unique visitors spend time at our website this year, for a cumulative total of more than 500,000 people!
12) We got over 400,000 page views at our website this year, for a cumulative total of over 1.2 million!
13) Most importantly of all, we achieved many *concrete results*, such as: a) inspiring new activists to start speaking out, and b) reducing demand for sexual exploitation — by getting many men to truly understand the devastating harms of pornography and to stop using it.
Below are a just a few examples of our many results that we have achieved this year. NOTE: Quite a few of them come from our video of Jessica Mendes’ speech to ASU:
We find that sharing the stories of ex porn performers is one of the most powerful ways to create meaningful change, which is why we focus on a great deal on this.
“I just want to thank you for changing my life and the wrong perspective I had about porn.” – SF
“Jessica’s story was how I’ve managed to get off porn, and I’m so grateful.” – NT
“Wow… This is really shocking…. I honestly always looked at porn as normal, and that it was normal for every one to watch it. But what is actually behind the lines is really depressing and sick….” – ICE Trey
“This video with Jessica brought me some answers and makes me even more motivated to never watch any porn again (and it’s not easy as I started when I was 14 and I’m already 24.)” – David Barrau
“I usually watch porn and like it, but this video…. made me cry, and made me more human than I used to be. Because porn is something so aggressive… but women are not pieces of meat to eat, they are humans. (Women — I mean ALL OF THEM, including the pornstars).” – Tomás Jesús
“Jessica: Your voice is the cure for the cruel and destructive pornography that polluted my soul. Thank you so much for setting me free from it. :-)” – NLJ
“This was actually very enlightening. I like this video and agree. You guys have inspired me to stop watching the filth known as porn.” – Mark Sullivan
“The impact that your story is having on me, Jessica — and probably many visitors to AntiPornography.org — might seem a small thing, but because of it we learn to see women once again in all their true natural beauty as full humans, and not as slaves anymore.” – NLJ
“Well, I have to admit that I have watched porn for a long time and always told myself that “these people like what they do,” etc. However, that’s over. Videos like this educated me and now I know what is really going on in this “industry”. The abuse and the disrespect for human beings which is implicated in the process of making porn is horrific, and for anybody who has some empathy or ethics there can be only one answer: considering porn as a threat not only for women but for all people involved. So I decided that I will never watch porn again and I will tell all my friends what is happening there.” – Kl2002010
“Jessica: I’ve been addicted to porn since I was an 8th grader. To this day I’ve watched porn on a daily basis. So, for over a decade I’ve been mentally locked by the facade of porn. After I watched you address the students at ASU, I immediately deleted every trace of porn that I had. Listening to you speak nearly brought me to tears, and I’m not the guy to cry over anything. But seeing you change made me realize that I too can change. I’m glad I was able to see someone who was in the business get out, and have a voice. That is incredibly powerful!” – JW
“Thank you, thank you, thank you for validating my feelings about porn. My husband used to be into it and it almost ruined our marriage. I’m so sick of people thinking wives over-react to something that is “normal” for men. Porn is not erotica.Thanks again for educating people about this.” – Janet G.
“I would like you to know that I’ve been making a lot of progress enriching peoples lives with your organization’s message. And like I said before, Jessica Mendes’ story inspired me to undertake this task and it’s proving to be successful… Many people feel a change of heart and believe they’ve made errors in their ways. Her story as well as many others have had profound effects on them. Will keep you posted on more things happening. Peace be with you. Jessica’s message here in South Africa has touched many, and I will continue to do my part.” – Micalyn Moodley
“Well thanks for sharing this video. I’m not going to watch porn any more. I was going to, but after watching this video I changed my mind.” – jovany valencia
“This makes that 3rd month that I have gone without viewing pornography online, or through other means for more than a few accidental clicks. Thanks for the information on the website. Anti-pornography information has been very helpful to me!” – Mealane8
“Jessica Mendes’ videos have truly opened up my mind my eyes, and I’ve now not watched a single porn video in over 8 months, and am planning to stop permanently. Apart from that I’m trying my best to spread around to my porn addict friends about this website. BRAVO TO JESSICA MENDES, as she made an addict like me feel sick about the dark side of porn. Jessica is doing great efforts. I support her and AntiPornography.org all the way.” – 20 year old male
“Your website provided me with such helpful information and completely changed my perspective…. I just wanted to thank you for changing my perspective at a young age and spreading the word, which I find to be INCREDIBLY important.” – Kenton
“Thank you for all of the helpful information. I work with sexually abusive youth and your website has been a great resource.” – Tam
“BRAVO. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR EFFORTS. EVERY ASPECT COVERED. (At AntiPornography.org’s website.) I have faith that as people open and purify their hearts they will see that in hurting others we are ultimately hurting ourselves and all. Great love to all of you working on this. I am confident you are SAVING LIVES.” – 27 year old female
Well there you have it! Pretty inspiring stuff, isn’t it? :-) We’d like to accomplish a lot more great work like this to prevent and combat the harms of pornography, prostitution and sex trafficking in 2015, (remember: they are all connected!), but like all nonprofits we depend on the kind support and generosity of others to help us with this.
So we hope all of you who care will step up and make a much-needed donation to help us make the world a better and more porn-free world for everyone. Please remember that this is a TEAM EFFORT, and that we are ALL responsible for doing what we can to end the harms of all forms of sexual exploitation.
Many thanks to all who care enough to TAKE ACTION and give what you can. We really appreciate your support! :-)
DONATE HERE: http://www.antipornography.org/donate.html
Best wishes to all for a great rest of 2014 and a very happy, healthy and productive 2015!! ♥♥♥ :-)
~~ The Team at AntiPornography.org
Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~
FACEBOOK PAGE: AntiPornography.org – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation ~~
YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~
TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~
Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~

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Posted by
12:54 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women
Monday, December 29, 2014
“Porn condom law doesn’t violate freedom of artistic expression, judges say” – CA Measure B is correct
GOOD NEWS! The porn industry lost their court appeal regarding condom use, and the L.A. County law will be upheld. :-)
The 30-page ruling largely discounted what had long been an argument by the adult-film industry: That Measure B, a voter-approved law that requires condoms be used on all porn shoots in Los Angeles County, compromises an actor’s artistic expression and ruins the fantasy aspect of pornography.
Yay team! :-) Read more details in the article below:
Here is more info and background on this issue:
Another important development along these lines is the latest report from the California Department of Public Health:
Occupational HIV Transmission in the Adult Entertainment Film Industry
• Correct and consistent use of condoms is known to reduce the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Adult entertainment film actors should use condoms, and film producers should require on-set condom use by actors. The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has determined that employers are required to furnish and ensure the use of condoms in the production of adult films at no cost to the actors.
Please support the cause by following us here at this blog, liking us at Facebook, subscribing to our YouTube channels, and following our Twitter accounts. Thanks! ~~
FACEBOOK: AntiPornography.org – Nonreligious, Pro Free Speech, Pro Healthy Sex & Love ~~ http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation ~~
YOUTUBE CHANNELS: AntiPornographyBlog ~~ AntiPornographyOrg ~~ SayNOtoProstitution ~~ ENDSexTrafficDEMAND ~~ ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ PornAddictionHelp ~~ SayNOtoSadomasochism ~~ SafeHealthySexNLove ~~
TWITTER ACCOUNTS: @AntiPornography ~~ @ENDSexTraffic ~~ @ENDProstitution ~~ @ENDSexAbuseNOW ~~ @NoSadomasochism ~~ @PornAddictHelp1 ~~ @HealthySexNLove ~~@ExPornStarVLB ~~
Post created by AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ~ Preventing and combating the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, while supporting safe, healthy, equality-based sex, love, and relationships ~
Please make a tax-deductible donation to support the cause if you’re able to. Thanks!

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Posted by
6:45 PM
Labels: anti porn, anti pornography, anti-porn, anti-pornography, antiporn, antipornography, human trafficking, porn, porn addiction, porn star, pornography, prostitution, sex, sex trafficking, violence against women